thought Tag

Pupil: The subject of the subjective mind greatly interests me. I am sure that had I understood what you have said concerning it, I would have realized that all that was necessary...

We do not believe that there are many who deliberately think negative thoughts. Most people mean well and want to do good and be good (not goody, goody). But, nevertheless, most of...

You want your focus and intention to become immediate without you having to think about it. Like breathing or your heart beat. Or be able to tune out any distractions and hold...

Having successfully influenced a compass needle, Psi Wheel, crossed matchsticks etc., to the extent they will move at your will, beyond any doubt whatsoever, you can now progress to influencing much larger...

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is...

This is one of the most critical steps in telekinesis. Your intention becomes the thought in your mind where you see the object as already moved. It's become your intention to move the...

Now is the moment you've been waiting for. You've learned the steps and concepts, so now it's time to put this into practice. From this point on, you're going to see some amazing...

Meditation is without question one of the most worthwhile and valuable practices anyone can undertake on a regular and ideally daily basis. Many people however still tend to associate meditation with a...

In this little article I have dwelt too much, perhaps, upon material achievement; but the principal reason for doing this has been that it is our duty to serve our day and...

Thus sings the poet, and we call him sentimental; that is, at first thought we do. But upon second thought we change our minds. We then find that faults and defects are...

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