Types of Yoga

Types of Yoga


Despite its origin as a niche practice in ancient India, yoga has grown to massive levels of popularity worldwide.

Yet, many people know very little about it. Is it just stretching? Is it exercise?

Yoga is actually a variety of practices that make up a healthy lifestyle with a holistic focus. It’s much more than exercise.

Modern yoga has taken a particular focus on hatha yoga and the practice of asana, but the original beliefs as codified by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras are far more wide reaching.


To get the full benefit, one should practice all eight limbs of yoga. There exists few practices more powerful in the development of one’s life energy than yoga. Even if you don’t believe in life energy, yoga can spark profound positive changes in your life.

We try to offer a balanced look at the science to provide an accurate presentation of what yoga has to offer.

Here we explore 15 popular types of yoga and discuss their history, methods, and the risks and benefits of each. Explore the information on our site and let it inspire you to further develop your holistic health and push you to develop your mind, body, and soul.

Check the types of Yoga below:

Bikram yoga is a style of hot yoga focusing on a core of 26 asanas. Due to the exploits of founder Choudhury Bikram, it has been surrounded in controversy. Learn more...

Kriya yoga is a meditation-based practice popularized by Paramahansa Yogananda that can help one reach spiritual enlightenment. Learn more...

The Egely Wheel is used by thousands around the world to give instant and objective measurements of your vitality levels. Is your yoga practice give you the results you need? Begin tracking the progress of your energy development today.

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