life energy Tag

Reiki is a natural method for healing the body, mind and spirit from all blocks, performed by Reiki practicioners worldwide. The universal energy surrounding us is available for everyone and can be...

Every living being is surrounded by a special energy field: the aura. Its purpose is to keep the bad vibrations away and protect our physical body. This vibrating frequency of light, or...

Boosting your vitality level when it is at a low level should be a very important task to accomplish. We can get lost in the everyday rush and forget that our health...

Instructions, remarks, observations concerning the Vitality Indicator A. What is the use of it, why is it worth trying? Everybody has the experience of having better and worse-than-average days, when even routine jobs seem...

I was born in 1950 in Hungary and in 1974 I acquired my Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering of Heat Engines at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. I was primarily...

The life energy meter Egely Wheel is probably the most serious toy or the most playful serious thing you have ever seen. You can measure and increase your own life energy level....

The latest scientific research, consistenly prove that our universe is fundamentally made of energy like bioenergy. People that utilize alternative medical treatments such as bioenergy, or life energy and/or are interested in...

The life energy that we're measuring as vitality has been well known for a very long time in the history of civilization and it's very hard to find a place where life...
