03 Feb Kriya Yoga: The Path to Freedom
What Is Kriya Yoga?
Kriya yoga, derived from the Sanskrit root “kri” meaning to act, roughly translates to the “yoga of action”. It can thus be viewed as a lifestyle that has the ultimate goal of reaching spiritual enlightenment. This is to be thought of as actions one does internally. A practitioner is said to become one with the infinite and escape the karmic cycle.
Kriya yoga is an ancient practice, claimed to have been practiced by both Jesus and Krishna, that was lost, but rediscovered by Mahavatar Babaji It is considered to be very similar to Raja Yoga, a spiritual path discussed in the Bhagavad Gita.
Who Popularized Kriya Yoga?
It was popularized by Paramahansa Yogananda. He had been studying various spiritual practices in India, particularly those of Lahiri Mahasaya, who was an influential guru to many at the time. He found these teachings transformative to his life and wanted to bring these ideas into the modern times.
In 1894, he met Mahavatar Babaji, the guru of his guru, who predicted that one of his students would bring his teachings to the west. In the end, that person was Yogananda. He was invited to give a talk in Boston in 1920, which was called “The Science of Religion”. It was a big hit and he remained in the United States, teaching his message around the country. He combined a lot of Christian and Hindu ideas together.
He founded the Self Realization Fellowship during his visit to the United States to help spread and develop his and his guru’s philosophies. It is considered a religion. His book Autobiography of a Yogi, chronicling his life and spiritual path, was a seminal work on the practice of kriya yoga and is still influential today.

There are hybrid forms of yoga that students of Yogananda have developed. One notable one is Ananda that mixes it with hatha yoga.

The best methods are those which help the life energy to resume its inner work of healing.
Other Meanings of Kriya Yoga
One thing to note is “kriya” itself can refer to an action, so there are numerous yogas that utilize other kriyas. One example is Sudarshan Kriya yoga, which is a specific method of breathing that can have many therapeutic benefits in the treatment of depression and anxiety. This should not be confused with the method of kriya yoga as based upon Mahavatar Babaji’s teachings.
What Does the Practice of Kriya Yoga Look Like?
Kriya Yoga with a Focus on Pranayama
On its most simple level, kriya yoga focuses on a method of pranayama. The goal is to take in oxygen and convert it into life force. This in turn can decarbonize and charge the body. Yogis achieve a deep focus, which in turn slows down and regulates the breath.
See How to Practice Kriya Yoga with a simple device.
They are not instructed to hold the breath, but to maintain a continuous breathing cycle. Paramahansa likens this state of relaxation to what we achieve during sleep and breathing rate should be similar.
Life Energy Can Be Channeled through Kriya Yoga
The meditation is more than just sitting in silence and breathing, though, as some often view meditation. The yogi is instructed to channel their life energy, through breath, and have it move around six spinal centers in the body, namely the medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses.
When starting out, students are encouraged to do this in a series of half-minute exercises, between fourteen and twenty-eight times, split up between two sessions. As they improve, they can increase the amounts.

What Is One of the Major Ideas behind Kriya Yoga?
One major idea behind these beliefs is that the material world is only an illusion. Through proper training and technique, a yogi may be able to leave their physical form behind and join with the “cosmic spirit”. This is done by separating the mind from the senses, forcing the brain to be operated directly from life energy, without using the body as an intermediary. It is also important for one to disengage themselves from the ego. At advanced levels, they can have congress with this higher consciousness without leaving their bodies.
In addition to the meditation techniques (or even as a result of it) practitioners are encouraged to live in a state of love for God and for others and use this enlightened state to improve their lives.
Kriya Yoga Should be Studied With a Guru
Naturally, these techniques are best learned through study with a master. In order to get the full benefit from kriya yoga, one must take part in an initiation ritual. If you do not visit the ashrams, one can also order a self-study course from the Self-Realization Fellowship or other kriya yoga organizations. One site says that you need to study for eight or nine months. Naturally, the path to this mystical enlightenment comes with a charge. However, the initiation ceremony is by donation.
There are groups who believe that kriya yoga has become commodified, presented as something that can be learned easily on the internet or over a weekend retreat. This approach is seen as poisonous or misleading. They believe that real kriya practices can only be learned directly by the well-guarded secrets of a respected guru, a very rare person in the world. In the past, a student would have to show intense devotion and dedication to be privy to a guru’s teachings.
What Are the Benefits and Risks of Kriya Yoga?
Kriya Yoga Can Break Bad Habits
It is claimed that through this practice, a yogi can slow the decay of their body and rejuvenate their nervous system . Paramahansa has stated that by using this technique, one can break out of the “grooves” of bad habits, which suggests that it could have some benefit on overcoming addiction and other mental issues.
When one starts a routine of regular meditation, this is a new habit that could replace the negative ones. There has been some research looking at how some types of yoga can be used to treat addiction and they have found some success.
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Kriya Yoga Helps to Achieve Inner-Peace
It is claimed that by practicing Kriya yoga, one can achieve inner-peace. This peace can be translated to a general way of life with very little stress. Even stripped of any mystical features, meditation techniques have been shown to create a similar effect in people. Some suggest that it can improve the immune system.
Meditation is calming and any practice that reduces the level of harmful stress, which does have a negative effect on the immune system can be seen as a benefit to one’s health. The practice of yoga in general has been used to treat depression and anxiety with some success.
Kriya Can Release Fears and Insecurities
Through Kriya Yoga, one can achieve the spiritual stability and fearlessness that comes from a close relationship with God. It promotes prayer and consistent, dedicated practice of Kriya Yoga as a means of divine communication that frees one from fears and anxieties, especially those associated with the cycles of life and death.
Drawing a connection between biblical imagery in the Book of Revelation and yogic concepts, Paramahansa Yogananda interprets the “seven stars” and “seven churches” (Revelation 1:20) as symbols for the seven astral centers along the spine. These chakras, when activated through spiritual practices such as Kriya Yoga, unlock deeper layers of spiritual wisdom and experience, symbolized by the “book sealed with seven seals.
Kriya Can Awaken Inner Intuition
Kriya Yoga emphasizes the value of cultivating intuition through focused practice, impartial introspection and deep meditation. To sharpen intuition, the practice consists of weekly, extended 3 or 4 hour periods of deep meditation in addition to frequent, intense short meditation sessions. Through this heightened intuition, a devotee can transcend traditional human language and experience direct, wordless, joyful communion between the soul and God.
Advanced Kriya Yogis receive their life guidance and decisions directly from the soul, regardless of the effects of past actions. At this stage, one has reached such a high level of spiritual attainment that the soul directly and intuitively influences one’s life, avoiding the typical consequences of past actions.
Kriya Yoga Helps to Find Perfect Love
In Kriya Yoga, the connection between the soul and the Holy Spirit is the highest form of love, transcending all expressions and experiences found on earth. Such deep concentration cultivates a healthy relationship with all of creation by eliminating the differences between all beings and elements of nature, resulting in global love.
Kriya Helps to Become a Being of Pure Energy
With a certain level of training, some masters have been said to have transcended their physical forms and become a being of pure energy. Paramahansa describes this as science, but does not offer any empirical evidence of his claims.
Paramahansa said that kriya yoga has the ability to help humans evolve at a faster rate. He claimed that this meditation technique actually quickens time for our souls. Thirty seconds of this energy control corresponds with a whole year of spiritual development. By their argument, three years of kriya practice for eight-hours a day can evolve the yogi a million years.
Kriya Can Cultivate Self-Reflection and Awareness
One main message of this type of yoga is that it focuses on self-reflection and awareness of one’s actions in life. As a bi-product of this idea, this awareness may focus on leading a more righteous life, with concern for creating more positivity in the world.
15 Sources +
Egely Wheel has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.
- An Introduction to Kundalini Yoga Meditation Techniques That Are Specific for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders – http://doi.org/
- Sudarshan kriya yoga: Breathing for health – https://doi.org/
- Kriya Yoga – https://en.wikipedia.org/
- Self-Realization Fellowship – https://en.wikipedia.org/
- Kriya Yoga: A Powerful Way To Walk The Spiritual Path – https://isha.sadhguru.org/
- America’s Alternative Religions (Suny Series in Religious Studies) – https://www.amazon.com/
- Autobiography of a Yogi – https://www.amazon.com/
- How can Kriya Yoga help and benefit me? – https://www.babajiskriyayoga.net/
- How Stress Affects the Immune System – https://www.psychologytoday.com/
- Special supplement: Yoga and mental health – https://www.researchgate.net/
- Evaluation of a Residential Kundalini Yoga Lifestyle Pilot Program for Addiction in India – https://www.tandfonline.com/
- Find Your Match Among the Many Types of Yoga – https://www.yogajournal.com/
- Kriya Yoga and Meditation – https://yogananda.org/
- Paramahansa Yogananda on the Benefits of Kriya Yoga – https://yogananda.org/
- Kriya Yoga Royal Technique – https://yssofindia.org/
Updated: July 27, 2024. – This article was originally published on February 3, 2021.
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