Experiments with Egely Wheel for a better life
The Egely Wheel Vitality Meter helps you to measure your energy level so you can keep track of its changes. It is interesting to monitor the different vitality levels but even more...
The Egely Wheel Vitality Meter helps you to measure your energy level so you can keep track of its changes. It is interesting to monitor the different vitality levels but even more...
Instructions, remarks, observations concerning the Vitality Indicator A. What is the use of it, why is it worth trying? Everybody has the experience of having better and worse-than-average days, when even routine jobs seem...
I was born in 1950 in Hungary and in 1974 I acquired my Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering of Heat Engines at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. I was primarily...
The life energy meter Egely Wheel is probably the most serious toy or the most playful serious thing you have ever seen. You can measure and increase your own life energy level....
24. Salon International des Inventions, 1996, Genf - Bronze Medal 27. Salon International des Inventions,1999, Genf - Bronze Medal INPEX 'XII International Invention Show, 1996, Pittsburgh - Gold Medal EUREKA, 45th...
The measured value is called VQ, vitality quotient. This is a comparison value which shows how our actual bioenergy, or vitality level is in comparison with the average. Unlike the intelligence quotient,...
Ok, to alot of people this may sound like a ridiculous question to ask, but it's something I've got to know the answer to....
The latest scientific research, consistenly prove that our universe is fundamentally made of energy like bioenergy. People that utilize alternative medical treatments such as bioenergy, or life energy and/or are interested in...
According to George Egely the Egely Wheel should have been developed at least one hundred years ago, even if not in this electronic form. Everything was available at that time to do...