Harnessing Harmony: Understanding and Balancing Your Sexual Energies

A woman and a man are connecting to each other

Harnessing Harmony: Understanding and Balancing Your Sexual Energies

Reading time: 10 minutes

In our daily lives, we often hear about different types of energy, from the physical energy we use to get through the day to the emotional energy we feel with others. One type of energy that’s not always talked about is sexual energy. It’s more than just physical attraction; it’s a powerful force that’s present in all of us.

But how can we understand or measure it? That’s where the Egely Wheel comes in. It’s a tool designed to help us gauge our sexual energy levels. In this blog, we’ll explore how the Egely Wheel works and how it can give us insight into our own energy levels. Let’s dive in!

A woman and a man are connecting to each other

What is an Egely Wheel?

In the vast realm of tools and devices that seek to bridge the gap between the tangible and the intangible, the Egely Wheel stands as a beacon of insight. This handheld device, seemingly simple in design, is a conduit to understanding one of the universe’s most enigmatic forces: life force energy.

What is Egely Wheel? Find out here.

Often referred to as ‘chi‘, ‘prana‘, or ‘vital energy‘, this force is believed to be the very essence that animates all living beings. It is the silent hum that resonates within us, the unseen current that flows through our veins.

The Egely Wheel, with its delicate rotation mechanism, is designed to respond to the subtle energies emitted by the user. When held between the fingers, it begins to spin, its speed and direction influenced by the intensity and flow of the user’s life force energy.

Woman practicing with Egely Wheel Vitality Meter at a table with spiritual salt lamp and candle light

Scientists and spiritual practitioners alike have been captivated by its ability to provide a visual representation of something so profoundly intangible. While skeptics may question its validity, many attest to the Egely Wheel’s potential as a tool for self-awareness, healing, and spiritual growth. It serves as a mirror, reflecting back to us the vitality and strength of our innermost energy, urging us to delve deeper into the mysteries of our own existence.

Sexual Energy vs. Life Force Energy – Is There a Difference?

Life force energy and sexual energy are terms that might seem distinct, but in reality, they’re closely connected. Imagine life force energy as the fuel that keeps our engine running, the spark that gets us up in the morning, and the drive that pushes us to achieve our goals.

Sexual energy is a subset of this, and it’s not limited to just romantic or intimate feelings. It’s a vibrant force that shows up in various aspects of our lives. Ever had one of those days where you felt an unstoppable urge to create, be it through art, writing, or any other form of expression? That’s your sexual energy channeling itself into creativity.

It’s the same force that gives you the zest to take on new challenges at work, the enthusiasm to start a new hobby, or the passion to advocate for a cause you deeply care about. It’s about more than just physical attraction; it’s the energy that makes us feel passionate, driven, and alive.

This energy isn’t just influential in romantic contexts. It plays a pivotal role in how we form and maintain relationships of all kinds.

From the bonds we share with our friends and family to the connections we forge with colleagues or even the camaraderie we feel with fellow fans at a sports game, this energy is at play. When we’re in tune with this energy, our interactions become more genuine, our understanding deepens, and our connections become more meaningful.

But how do we harness this energy effectively? The first step is awareness. Recognizing when this energy is at play can help us channel it more productively.

Activities like meditation, physical exercise, or engaging in creative pursuits can help us tap into and direct this energy. By understanding and embracing our sexual energy, we can enhance not only our personal experiences but also our interactions with the world around us, leading to a more enriched and vibrant life.

Feminine vs Masculine Sexual Energies

Sexual energy is a natural and strong force present in every individual. This energy can appear differently in men and women, mainly because of the presence of male and female energies.

However, it’s vital to highlight that both these energies exist in everyone, irrespective of their gender. They aren’t just based on our physical attributes but are deeply rooted in our nature.

Blue hand holds an orange hand. Blue hand is made of water and orange is made of fire.
Yin and Yan is just like water and fire.

Male energy, often seen as the more assertive and goal-driven force, is linked to qualities like strength, focus, and determination. Historically and even today, society often expects men to display more of this energy.

This expectation stems from traditional roles where men were seen as protectors and leaders. Their roles in the past, which demanded physical strength and decision-making, might have amplified this energy in them.

Conversely, female energy is more associated with caring, understanding, and collaboration. It’s an energy that values emotional connection, intuition, and harmony. Women, due to their roles as primary caregivers and community nurturers, often resonate more with this energy. Their historical roles, which centered around family and community care, have emphasized these qualities.

However, the modern world is evolving, and so are our perceptions of these energies. The boundaries that once defined these energies are becoming more flexible.

Today, it’s not uncommon to see men who are deeply empathetic and nurturing or women who are assertively leading in various fields. Everyone possesses a unique blend of these energies, and this blend can evolve based on life experiences, surroundings, and personal development.

Recognizing and valuing both these energies is essential for personal growth. By understanding and embracing both our assertive and nurturing sides, we can achieve a more balanced self-awareness.

This balance not only enriches our personal lives but also enhances our interactions with others. The interplay of these energies contributes to the diverse ways individuals express themselves, making each person’s journey and identity distinct and valuable.

Balancing Your Sexual Energies

Balancing your inner energies is a bit like tuning a guitar. When each string is in harmony, the music flows beautifully. Inside you, there are two main energies at play. Think of them as two friends: one is strong-willed and determined, while the other is gentle and understanding. Both are equally important, and when they’re in sync, life just feels right.

When these energies are balanced, your mind becomes a powerful tool. You’ll find that you can think more clearly, decisions come more naturally, and creative ideas pop up more frequently. It’s as if the fog has lifted, revealing a clear path ahead, free from unnecessary obstacles.

On the emotional front, a balance between these energies means more peace and less turmoil. Imagine navigating through your day without being easily upset or overwhelmed. With these energies in harmony, you’ll be better equipped to handle emotions, leading to healthier relationships and a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

A nice couple hugging each other in the sunset
Tantra creates the deepest connection.

In your everyday life, this balance proves invaluable. Whether you’re tackling a challenging task at work, lending a hand to a friend in need, or simply enjoying a quiet moment, everything feels more fulfilling. It’s like having the perfect set of tools for any situation, ensuring you’re always at your best.

Now, you might wonder, “How can I tell if my energies are in balance?” There’s a handy tool called the Egely Wheel that can give you some insights. Think of it as a compass for your inner world. By using it, you can get a sense of how well your two inner friends are working together, ensuring you’re on the right track to a harmonious life.

Measuring Sexual Energies With an Egely Wheel

The Egely Wheel is a fascinating tool designed to give insights into our inner energies. At first glance, it might look like a simple handheld device, but its function is deeply rooted in the study of bioenergetics.

Two cartoon shamans are hugging each others
The beauty of holding the other one is the beauty of holding ourselves.

The wheel, placed within a clear case, begins to spin when you touch or place your hands near it. This movement is believed to be a direct response to the energy emanating from your hands.

Using the Egely Wheel to measure sexual energies requires a focused intent. It’s not just about placing your hands near the device and watching it spin; it’s about channeling your energy and asking specific questions.

If you wish to measure your masculine energies, for instance, you’d focus your intent on that particular energy. As you place your hands near the wheel, mentally ask it to respond only to your masculine energy. Observe the speed and consistency of the spin, as this will give you an indication of the strength and flow of that energy.

Measure your Sexual Energy

The Egely Wheel is trusted by thousands of people who practice yoga, telekinesis, meditation and healing. This device is the best solution for measuring your energy flow and efficiency of healing, and you get instant feedback.

Similarly, to measure your feminine energies, you’d shift your focus and intent. As you approach the wheel, mentally direct it to tune into your feminine energy. Again, the way the wheel responds—its speed and pattern—will provide insights into the potency of this energy within you.

Comparing the responses for both energies can offer a clearer picture of how balanced they are within you. If one energy seems to dominate, the wheel will spin more vigorously for that particular energy. On the other hand, if both energies are in harmony, the wheel’s responses should be relatively similar for both measurements.

The Egely Wheel acts as a mirror, reflecting back the subtle energies we might not be consciously aware of. By using it with clear intent and focus, you can gain a deeper understanding of your inner masculine and feminine energies, helping you work towards a more balanced self.

Why You Need to Balance Your Sexual Energies

Sexual energies, like all forms of energy within us, can become imbalanced due to various factors. Life’s stresses, past traumas, societal expectations, and even daily routines can play a role in tipping the scales.

For instance, someone working in a highly competitive environment might unknowingly lean more into their masculine energy, emphasizing traits like assertiveness and dominance.

Conversely, someone constantly in caregiving roles might find themselves overly tapping into their feminine energy, emphasizing nurturing and receptivity.

When these energies are out of balance, it can manifest in several ways in one’s life. Emotionally, an imbalance might lead to feelings of restlessness, dissatisfaction, or even burnout.

Physically, it might result in fatigue, sleep disturbances, or a weakened immune system. In relationships, an overemphasis on one energy can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, or feelings of disconnection.

For example, an overabundance of masculine energy might make someone overly aggressive or dismissive, while an excess of feminine energy might lead to excessive passivity or over-dependence.

Balancing these energies is crucial for overall well-being and harmony in life. One of the primary ways to achieve this balance is through regular introspection. By practicing self-awareness, you can identify which energy is dominant at any given time.

A kundalini shaman sits in the middle of the fire and meditate.
Having and open and clear mind is the most important thing

Techniques such as journaling, meditation, or even simple self-reflection can be particularly beneficial. Additionally, engaging in specific activities can help restore balance. For instance, if you find yourself leaning heavily into your masculine energy, immersing yourself in activities that nurture your feminine side, like art, music, or spending time in nature, can be therapeutic.

On the other hand, if you’re resonating more with your feminine energy, you might find balance by participating in martial arts, competitive sports, or debates. For those seeking a deeper understanding of their imbalances, professional guidance from therapists or energy healers can be invaluable.

They can offer insights and techniques to restore harmony. Ancient mind-body practices such as Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong are also known to balance energies. These practices not only benefit the physical body but also harmonize the energetic level, bridging the gap between masculine and feminine forces.

Lastly, the power of positive affirmations shouldn’t be underestimated. By repeating affirmations like “I am in balance with my masculine and feminine energies,” you can gradually shift your mindset and reinforce a balanced state of being.


Sometimes, life’s challenges can mess up the balance of your sexual energy, making you feel off or tired. It’s like when you’re trying to listen to a song, but it keeps skipping. To fix this, you can try things like thinking deeply, doing activities you love, asking for advice, or practicing old traditions like yoga. The Egely Wheel is like a guide on this journey, helping you see how your energy is doing.

To sum it up, understanding and balancing your sexual energy can make your life feel clearer and more in tune. And if you really want to tap into and control this energy, you’ll need an Egely Wheel. It’s the key to unlocking and harnessing your powerful energies.

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