Reinvent yourself after a difficult year

Woman practices meditation at home in yoga pants

Reinvent yourself after a difficult year

Reading time: 4 minutes

After a year like 2020 it is definitely not an easy task to start the new year with enthusiasm, regarding that many of us cheered 2020 and had to severely readjust. 2021 is preceded and determinded by our new years’ resolutions (or the lack of them).

We have dreams, goals, desires, plans based on hard work and humility. Just like when we toasted for a year we could not even imagine. If we take all into account now, the picture is staggering in some way for all of us without expection, although everyone experienced it differently. Fears arose, depressed souls opened up, many of us confronted ourselves, lost friendships and also there were those who survived wisely, maintained and won sincere relationships and made last year filled with the most meaningful LIFE ever.

Different Lifestyle

We experienced the lifestyle where we were no longer chrused by our everyday tasks, commuting, hence we had more time to think and meditate and we had to redefine our lives along new values and the situation. The pandemic and all the economical and political actions rearranged our lives. There were times when we could feel that control is lost over our destiny and it is flowing towards unpredictable paths. For those affected, the virus meant heavy and hopeless hours.

After all the confusion, loneliness and alertness, we have had the chance and time to realize what is of true importance and who are loving us truly. And vice versa. Tremendous amount of information has been gathered about ourselves and those around us, too. The autonomy of everyday life overwrote our old habits and then forced us to adopt new routines along new values and rules.

Happy woman watching a blue lake on a tree
Make time to think and meditate and redefine your live along new values and the situation.

Change is inevitable

Change is the only choice we have. The only choice YOU have. Initiatives, ways of thinking, personalities have fallen apart, all needing reconsruction. If you realize exactly what are the things you need to change, you have the chance to step up and have a better life perspective than before. You need to believe that you know yourself enough to perform your best abilities. You owe yourself to wipe out all time spent useless, your bad intentions, deceitful deeds, as losses are great and the mourning is far from over. Mourning of the life as we thought we knew it.

Different Mindset

How can you overcome your losses? By marvelling the beauties of the world, the hidden treasures and joyful moments shall be experienced. You should pay attention to these encounters so that you can realize them and create a mindset of growth. It is not enough to vouche for survial, you must also open up for joy and love, whilst also becoming lovable.

Stop self-sabotage and start using mantras empowering your mind towards spiritual awakening and success. You can let go of the negative impressions, and get to know yourself better than ever. All you need to do is re-evaluating your previous plans and thoughts and mindset regading the entirely new world order.

What were your plans? What was the worst experience about them being forced to readjust? How can it be better? How can all this serve your self-development? Why has the pandemic been a setback for me spiritually? What can I do to strenghten my mind and soul?

New Year New You

You can have a new job, a decent income, a life filled with love and joy, you can and must be healthier than ever, you can experience harmony and the power of your own mind. You can have dreams and they can all come true. But you have to know what these are exactly. You need to set exact steps you will take, deadlines and you need to visualize them every day.

Positive thoughts written on post its pinned to a board as mantras for motivation
List your dreams, create a vision board. Your dreams can all come true with the help of your extremely powerful mind.

You can use simple things like a notebook where you can list your dreams, post-its or reminders; you can create a vision board. Your mind is extremely powerful. You can use mantras during your daily meditation session to empower the vision of your dream life. You can use the Egely Wheel Vitality Meter to measure your vitality level before the meditation session. During the meditation you can use your spiritual force to experience what your dream life feels like, you can let the energy of the universe flow though your body while visualizing yourself in a life, a mindset you deserve. When measuring vitality after a meditation like this, the effects of positive vibrations are chrystalclear.

Start measuring today

The Egely Wheel is trusted by thousands of people who practice yoga, telekinesis, meditation and healing. This device is the best solution for measuring your energy flow and efficiency of healing, and you get instant feedback.

The necessity of re-inventing yourself is inevitable. If you are smart, you understand it has to be painful but it is worth all the energy and effort to make your clean slate leading you towards the life you deserve.

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