05 May How to Master Telekinesis with 6 Easy Exercises
Telekinesis is the ability to move objects without touching them. Some call it psychokinesis, I don’t. I can hear you now saying, “Is there really such a thing as telekinesis? There can’t be! You’re crazy!” You may be right. Maybe Telekinesis is not real. Maybe those examples we see are due to a breeze, vibrations or something else.
No one is forcing you to believe in it – but I do suggest that you read this article with an open mind. You don’t even have to try the exercises, if I can just get you to think “Hm, maybe it’s true?” that’s enough for the first time.
The First Step
The first step is to force your mind to believe that Telekinesis is real. When you say “Yes, people can move things with their minds” – you are on your way. The funny thing about telekinesis is that when you believe in it, it really works. When you don’t believe in it, it doesn’t. Because of this, the people who can do it are the ones who believe, and that positive belief keeps getting stronger. When a person tries it who doesn’t believe it, it fails because of their lack of belief, and that negative belief is also reinforced. Success means more success, and failure means more failure.
That’s why most people can’t do it. So back to step one – try to open your mind and accept that Telekinesis is real. When you consciously believe it, the idea gets into your subconscious and you start to believe in it completely – inside and out. Then you will get consistent results.
Before we get into how you can go about doing this, let’s first review how we deal with random thoughts and feelings. My fear is that you actually think “This is stupid!“, but you will suppress that thought and force yourself to think “Telekinesis is real!“. This is not good. You instead have to break all your thoughts down.
You have to listen to what you hear in your mind. If your head is saying, “This will never work!” then ask yourself why? As each reason comes up, you must negate each one. Please don’t bury your thoughts deep inside yourself. Thoughts arise spontaneously from the unconscious. If you think of something, go around it, don’t hide from it. I love getting into arguments with myself – it helps me see my true self.
See How to Practice Telekinesis with a simple device.
Just keep an open mind. I’ll explain the reasons why I started to believe in Telekinesis. That way you can see how I got started and see my reasoning:
1) You say: no one can move things with their mind and modern science agrees.
This is a very general statement. I started thinking about this because I saw the experience of others. Maybe by saying I have personally seen this happen can convince you. If you search the internet, there are so many discussion forums and websites full of this kind of thing. Why would there be so much talk about this if it is fake? Can people really be that stupid? Ok, don’t answer that, but do you really think there is a scientific explanation for everything? There’s not… The world is filled with phenomena that science can’t explain. Are you claiming that everyone who has had the Telekinesis experience is stupid or just a victim of a weird coincidence? Personally, I don’t think so. Of course there exists crazy people, and ignorant people, and I’m sure there are even some who make up stories. But all of them? The chances of that are pretty slim. There is something about it we can’t explain. We all have to admit that.
2) You say: physics says it’s impossible.
Physics. Hm. Have you ever heard of quantum physics? It is the science of energy, which studies how energy moves. It’s very interesting, but it hasn’t been fully discovered yet. here’s also the magnetic theory of Telekinesis. It’s based upon the idea that electromagnets are even stronger than normal magnets. And how does our brain work? Exactly, with electrical signals. See the connection? And then there were experiments where small chickens used micro-telekinesis to manipulate a random number generator so that the lamp controlled by that generator would shine towards them and warm them up. Common sense would probably say this is impossible, but on closer inspection it’s not as unbelievable as it seems.
3) You say: it may be possible, but it is an exception of nature and only happens to talented people.
Yes, it is possible. I can only say that I have taught people who have asked me to do it, and myself. If only mutants can do it, then I am a mutant. But then, so is everyone else. All the people I taught, and yes, even you. If this is really such an extraordinary phenomenon, it’s an incredible coincidence.
As you can see there are so many different approaches. Keep a logical and open mind. Read the experiences of others on the internet and ask them in chat rooms.
I believe
Do you really? I don’t want to tear down everything you’ve built up, but I don’t think you can really believe unless you’ve seen it with your own eyes. Even after that, I’m not sure you’d believe it.
I remember when it first happened to me. I was trying an exercise of my own invention, when a key I was trying to move suddenly started spinning very fast and then suddenly stopped. I was shocked. I “knew” that the Telekinesis was real, but I didn’t really know. Everything in me was consumed by this event. Apparently I thought “Telekinesis works, I just need to practice more“, but in reality I thought “Ah, this can’t be real“.
But after this experience, I really knew that Telekinesis was real. How do you get your subconscious to believe it’s real? It’s not easy. The way I did it was to focus on the thought that Telekinesis is real and to challenge any idea to the contrary with logic and reason.
I also did one other thing that is relevant to Telekinesis. As with anything you want to be good at, you need to learn how to do it. Yes, it’s hard, no switches or buttons, just simple practice and training to get good at it.
What do you do when you practice? In the next section I’ll show you how I practice and other exercises I’ve read about.
Micro-Telekinesis Exercises
Micro-telekinetics is easier than its macro counterpart. Micro actually means working at the subatomic level – which is expressed through statistics and chance. In these exercises, you influence the outcome of something using Telekinesis. This will make more sense after you read through it.
Dice Exercise
The basic idea is to roll some dice and try to get a certain number. If you have a target number and you are trying to reach it, you are practicing Telekinesis. If you are trying to guess what the number will be (i.e., changing the target number on each roll), you are practicing another visionary skill called precognition (determining the future).
You need a dice, paper, and a pencil. Roll the dice 50-100 times without focusing on the outcome to make sure the dice is balanced. If you roll 100 times, each number should come up approximately 16-17 times (the number of attempts per the number of possible outcomes, i.e. 100/6). In our example, shown in the picture below, it looks like 5 comes up a little more times and 6 a little less. In this case, I would probably use 2 or 3 as the target number, as it is certainly not affected by the error of the dice.

Once you have the dice ready, test your strength on your target number. Don’t be upset if your number doesn’t come up too often, there can be many reasons for this. You might not be concentrating enough, you might not have practiced enough, you might not have “warmed up” enough, or you might just be having a bad day.
Try to stay free and calm. Open your mind to the dice, concentrate and stay passive. “Know” that the dice will stop on your number, trust your instincts, be playful and have fun. If you get upset, stop for a while and then resume later. I know I’m saying you should force your number, which is easy to misunderstand. It should not be “forced“, let it be calm and comforting. Let it go by itself, sit back and let the numbers do what they do.
Look at the results in the picture below. Even though the person wanted number 3, they got the opposite. Maybe that will happen to you. You say “I want 3!“, your subconscious says “It won’t work anyway, there won’t be many 3s!“. Your unconscious negative expectation comes out in the result. This is a good sign. If something similar happens, you will be able to convince your unconscious that Telekinesis works.
How else can you explain the drastic change? Sure the numbers change a little, but that much? Not likely.

I don’t really like this exercise. It’s quite tiring and repetitive. Not very positive in my opinion. You could try something else (like a coin), butthe basic idea is the same. I prefer the following two exercises for practicing Micro-Telekinesis, myself:
Card Exercise 1
I tried this exercise one night. Many love this one, including myself. It’s fun, easy and exciting. All you need is a pack of playing cards. I also like this exercise because you can do it in front of other people without them figuring out what you’re doing. You don’t have to write anything down or make a spreadsheet, all you need is your mind and the 52 cards.
First choose a target card for yourself. Choose a card that is not bent and fits in with the others. Shuffle the cards well. The goal is to take all cards except the target card. On average, take 6 cards each time. Let’s do an example so you understand.
Let’s say I choose the ace of spades as my target card. First I shuffle the cards several times. I feel certain cards should be taken out, so I remove 6, make sure the ace is not among them, then put them into another pile. I shuffle the rest again. Like the first time, I feel that certain cards need to be taken out and I take the top 7 and check to see if the ace is among them. If it’s not, I continue. I keep shuffling and taking cards until I find the ace.
The exercise works because you convince your mind that your card will not be among the cards that are removed. Think about it, will your target card be among the 40+ cards or in the group of 6? Your subconscious is telling you that you are right and the ace of spades cannot be among the 6 cards. If you keep going, you will see the result and soon you can reduce the number of remaining cards to 10, 5 and then 1.
The key is to do what you feel. Do not analyse (until you have finished) and do not think. Do it instinctively and let it happen.
Card Exercise 2
This exercise is for those who can already do the first one well. It is also quite simple.
First choose a target card. Like before, it should not be bent or marked . You shuffle until you feel that your target card is on top. Believe it or not, you’ve succeeded for the third time. I just kept shuffling and shuffling and then I thought, “That’s it!” and threw the card on the bed. When I saw that it was actually my card, I was completely shocked.
The point of the exercise is to set a goal and do it. Don’t let anything else get into your mind. Don’t have any thoughts. Don’t think it won’t work. Don’t think the chances are too small – just do it.
Macro-Telekinesis Exercises
Of course, the thing that everyone aim for is macro-telekinesis. We all want to move big things with our mind power. This coincidence is nonsense, and none of it gives hard, clear, indisputable evidence.
The only bad thing is that it seems much harder to do. Why do I say it seems? I don’t think it’s harder than micro-Telekinesis (my subconscious disagrees). It only seems harder because we believe it’s harder. Everything outside of Telekinesis is also tied to appearances and beliefs. Just telling your unconscious that “I have telekinetic abilities” helps. Believe in yourself! It works and it will work!

Start practicing today
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Key Exercise
I am not sure where this exercise comes from. I think it was reading something else that made me think of this exercise. It is quite simple. You hang a strip of ribbon from the ceiling and put a key (or any other weight) on it. Then you try to move it. That’s all.

The key (literally) is to practice releasing your power. You can try several things to see what works for you. I like to keep my eyes open with my mind completely clear, and only think about success. Some people like to think of magnets, others like to think of energy. It’s about finding what works for you.
String exercise
I get a lot of emails from people who want to learn Telekinesis. One of the first people I taught failed the key exercise. Unfortunately he could not move the key no matter what he tried. Then, after a few weeks, he tried to move only the string that was still hanging after he’d removed the key. He was very successful at this. So he’s the inspiration for this exercise.
It’s the same as the previous one, only without the key. Try moving just the string. Be careful because a breeze or your breath can move it. Breathe carefully or cover your face and don’t make a draft with your hands when you move. Do not blame the movement on the draft. When I moved the string, I was on the other side of the room, yet I thought I might have created a breeze. So I then went through the same thing again to see if I could move the key again (but this time without the mental work). It didn’t move. I tried to create a draft, but from this distance it didn’t work. You should know what the string can do. Know what makes it move and what doesn’t.
If you are so paranoid about the draft, you can do a mini version of the string exercise in a glass cup. The glass ensures that there can be no breeze inside, and since magnetism passes through such material, your efforts are not wasted.

Candle exercise
I’ve only tried this next exercise a few times, and it honestly isn’t my favourite. I’m putting it here anyway because it might be useful for you.
Take a candle, light it, and try to move the flame. Try making it smaller or stretching it. I have read that you can extinguish the flame by reducing the flame until it is no longer there. Very cool. Nostradamus supposedly invented it, but he didn’t use it to practice Telekinesisk. Try it.
I hope you’ve learned something from this article. If you’re reading it for the first or even fifth time and you’re still saying “it doesn’t work“, don’t give up. It will work, just keep practicing.
Do the micro-Telekinesis first to build your confidence, then move on to the macro stuff. Keep reminding your brain to do the Telekinesis. When you want to reach something, always try to pull it to you first using only the power of your mind.
Don’t give up! You can do it! You will be surprised!