Exploring the rich history and modern practices of Tantra

Ancient tantra spiritual illustration with Shiva and Shakti

Exploring the rich history and modern practices of Tantra

Reading time: 6 minutes

Tantra is a complex and diverse spiritual tradition that originated in ancient India. It includes a wide range of beliefs, practices, rituals and texts, and has been influenced by various philosophical and religious traditions over time. The word Tantra is derived from the Sanskrit root word “tan”, which means to weave or to expand. This suggests that Tantra is weaving together various elements of existence to achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment.

In this article, you will find an exploration of the rich history and modern practices of Tantra, a complex and diverse spiritual tradition that weaves together various elements of existence on the path to spiritual enlightenment, including its main principles, practices, and rituals.


Tantra emerged around the 5th century AD as a response to the strict ascetic practices of Hinduism and Buddhism. It aimed to integrate the spiritual and the mundane, emphasizing the importance of the body, senses and emotions in the pursuit of spiritual fulfillment. Tantra questioned traditional social norms and promoted the liberation of desires and energies as a way to achieve enlightenment.

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The earliest written tantric texts, known as Tantras, appeared in the 6th century and included instructions on rituals, meditation, mantras, yantras (sacred geometric diagrams) and worship. Many of these texts were esoteric, designed to be initiated and passed on from teacher to disciple. Several other traditions, such as Shaivism, Shaktism and Vajrayana Buddhism, were also influenced by Tantra.

Ancient tantra spiritual illustration with Shiva and Shakti
The origins of tantra can be dated to around the 5th century AD.

Tantra today

In modern times, Tantra became very popular as a spiritual practice. The practice combines physical, mental and spiritual elements. It is often associated with sacred sexuality, although this is only one aspect of Tantra. If you had the same impression, remember: Tantra is not just about sex! Modern Tantra practitioners explore integrating sexuality, energy and consciousness to achieve both personal and spiritual growth. Tantra is considered to be a path to self-discovery, deeper intimacies and expanded consciousness.

Modern room for tantra group practice
Tantric practices are becoming increasingly popular in today's world, but still many people thinks it is just about sexuality.

Meditation, breath work, movement, yoga, ritual, massage and conscious touch may be involved in modern Tantra workshops and practices. The aim of these practices is the cultivation of awareness, presence and the awakening of dormant energies within the body. Tantra also emphasizes the balance and union of male and female energies, and the recognition of divinity within oneself and others.

Main principles

Unity and connection

Tantra emphasizes the fundamental unity and interconnectedness of all that exists. It recognizes that everything in the universe is interwoven and that there is a divine presence in all beings.


Tantra embraces the concept of non-dualism, which is about seeing beyond the apparent duality and recognising the fundamental oneness of existence. It suggests that the divine and the secular, the spiritual and the mundane are not separate, but rather different expressions of the same underlying reality.

Shakti and Shiva

Tantra often uses the metaphors of Shakti (divine feminine energy) and Shiva (divine masculine consciousness) to represent the dynamic interplay of energies within oneself and within the universe. Uniting these energies is considered essential for spiritual growth and awakening.

Energy and Consciousness

Tantra recognizes the importance of energy (prana) and consciousness (chitta) in spiritual practice. With Tantra practice you can explore various techniques and practices to awaken, channel, and harmonize these energies, facilitating spiritual transformation and expansion of consciousness.

Ritual and sacredness

Tantra includes rituals, ceremonies and symbolic practices as a means of connecting with the divine and invoking the sacred in everyday life. These rituals often involve the use of mantras, yantras, visualizations and specific gestures (mudras).

Group practicing tantra ritual in the nature together
Tantra rituals offer a very special experience.

Embodied spirituality

Tantra emphasizes the importance of embracing the body, senses and emotions as vehicles for spiritual awakening. It encourages individuals to cultivate awareness and presence in their bodily experiences and to view the body as a temple for spiritual exploration.

Transcendence through Immanence

Tantra suggests that spiritual realization and liberation can be achieved through full engagement with the world and its experiences, rather than through renunciation or withdrawal. It advocates a path of transformation that embraces and integrates all aspects of human existence.

Practices and Rituals in Tantra

Tantra offers a wide range of practices and rituals, and the specific practices can vary depending on the tradition and lineage of the practitioner. Here are some practices and rituals found in Tantra:

Meditation and Mindfulness

Mindfulness meditation is an essential practice in Tantra. The goal is to cultivate awareness and focus the mind to deepen your connection with the divine and expand consciousness. Meditation techniques include breath awareness, mantra repetition, visualization and contemplation.

Mantra and Chanting

Mantras are sacred sounds or syllables. They are used to invoke and connect with specific energies or deities. Chanting mantras is considered a powerful practice for purifying the mind, energizing the body and attuning yourself to higher vibrations.

Yantra and Visualization

Yantras are geometric diagrams or symbols used as focal points for meditation and visualization. Practitioners visualize themselves merging with the yantra or deity represented, seeking to connect with its qualities and energies.

Puja and Offerings

Puja is a ritual worship ceremony in honor of deities or spiritual principles. Flowers, incense, food and other symbolic items are offered while praying and chanting mantras. Puja helps to create a sacred atmosphere and cultivates devotion.

Spiritual tantric fire ritual man and woman
Fire is often included in tantric rituals and practices.

Sacred Sexuality

Tantra is a celebration of the sacredness of sexuality and the potential for spiritual growth through intimate connection. Tantric practices can involve conscious touch, breathwork and energy circulation techniques to deepen connection, cultivate present awareness and expand consciousness.

Kundalini Awakening

Tantra places great emphasis on awakening the dormant spiritual energy known as Kundalini, which is believed to reside at the base of the spine. Practices including specific breathing techniques (pranayama), visualization and energy channeling are used to awaken and raise the kundalini energy through the subtle energy channels (nadis) in the body.

Ritualistic Dance and Movement

Some tantric traditions incorporate dance and movement as a way of expressing and channeling energy. These practices may include specific postures, gestures (mudras) and rhythmic movements to induce a meditative state and establish a connection with the divine.

Ritualized Fire Ceremonies

Fire ceremonies, known as Homa or Yagna, are performed to harness the purifying and transformative energies of fire. Offerings such as ghee, grains and herbs are placed in the fire while mantras and prayers are chanted.

Guru Discipleship and Initiation

In many tantric traditions, a student seeks guidance and initiation from a qualified teacher or guru. The initiation process involves receiving specific practices, mantras and teachings that are traditionally passed on orally from teacher to student.

Check your Tantra Energy

Unlock the potential of your tantra energy and deepen your spiritual practice with the transformative tool of Egely Wheel.

As you explore the ancient wisdom of Tantra, Egely Wheel acts as a tangible representation, helping you visualize and measure the subtle energy flow within your body.

Explore the richness and diversity of Tantra

Tantra is a rich and diverse spiritual tradition that has evolved over the centuries since its origins in ancient India. It offers a wide range of practices, rituals and beliefs aimed at cultivating awareness, expanding consciousness and embracing the unity of existence.

Tantra focuses on the integration of the spiritual and the mundane, the balancing of energies and the recognition of the divinity within oneself and others. Modern Tantra practitioners continue to explore and apply these ancient teachings, seeking to achieve personal growth, deeper connections and a profound sense of self-discovery in their journey towards spiritual enlightenment.

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