09 May Electrokinesis Exercises for Beginners – Day & Night Practice
Electrokinesis is the supernatural ability to manipulate, absorb and create electric energy with the power of your mind. It can be used for many things once you learn it, without any limits.
You can control various electrical devices, create electric fields, drain energy from devices, overload them and much more. Electrokinesis is a very complex ability. It is very difficult to learn, but for the few who succeed, it is life-changing.
How to learn and develop electrokinesis
You have to be patient, as it takes a few weeks to get any results. Don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t happen overnight, no one does it easily or quickly.
See How to Practice Electrokinesis with a simple device.
Learning any superpower takes time, patience and a lot of perseverance. If you don’t have the faith, patience and energy to practice persistently for weeks and weeks, it’s best not to start.

Daytime exercise
I explain it in steps:
Step 1: Focus, relax and try to concentrate as much as possible.
Step 2: Close your eyes, imagine the energy flowing in and around your body. Try to connect with your environment. Unify the energies flowing in and around you.
Step 3: Visualize the flow of energy as you transform it into an electrical force.
This takes 10-15 minutes a day. You can check if it’s working by putting your hand close to the TV. This may sound like a joke, but seriously, put your hand there and see what happens. If you’ve made any progress, you are now able to do minimal electrokinesis: the picture will change a little or the quality of the video will improve. For many, the volume will change slightly, it might become slightly quieter or louder. This change can be minimal, even just changing the screen or the sound for a second can mean success.

Start practicing today
The Egely Wheel is trusted by thousands of people who practice yoga, telekinesis, meditation and healing. This device is the best solution for measuring your energy flow and efficiency of healing, and you get instant feedback.
Evening exercise
Let’s use a different technique in the evening! This one is best done at bedtime in the evening.
Step 1: Lie down on your bed in a comfortable position, preferably on your back.
Step 2: Close your eyes and imagine the energy flowing through your body, through every part of your body. Imagine and visualize the energy flowing, concentrated at the tips of your fingers, and then try to extend it beyond your body through your hands.
Step 3: Try to feel the spark of the electric field you are creating. If you can, you’ll feel your fingers go numb, and it will probably feel weird when you try to move it.
Step 4: Try it with your eyes open. This makes it much harder to concentrate completely.
Responsible use of the ability
Once you’ve done these successfully, you can focus on the desired area and perform electrokinesis.

It is up to you how you choose to use this power, but it comes with a responsibility, as it can also be used for attacks. Always use your power in a way that does not harm others or yourself. This is very important.
If you keep up with these exercises, you will be able to perform electrokinesis successfully!
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