Autumn: What Spiritual Lessons and Practices Does It Teach Us?

A peaceful autumn evening with a person meditating by candlelight, watching the flame dance in a serene, warm atmosphere, symbolizing spiritual transformation and inner peace.

Autumn: What Spiritual Lessons and Practices Does It Teach Us?

Reading time: 7 minutes

Autumn, usually known as fall in North America, is a time of transition as we move from the sunny and hot summer to the dark and cold winter (just as spring is the transition from winter to summer). The sun’s power is starting to wane, but before it disappears for good, nature puts on a final show and gives us its bounty. But with all this abundance, there’s also the passing away, which makes us think about the mystery of the eternal cycle.

So with the arrival of fall, let’s take a moment in this article to appreciate the valuable spiritual lessons and practices that this season of transition can offer.

The meteorological calendar says that autumn starts on 1 September and lasts for three months, from September to November. But in terms of astronomy, it all starts with the autumnal equinox (September 22, 2024) and goes until the winter solstice (December 21, 2024) in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Spiritual Lessons We Can Learn from Autumn

Let go and declutter.

As the days grow shorter and every minute of sunlight becomes precious, plants stop gathering energy and prepare to go dormant for the winter, only to come back to life in the spring. It’s the same for us: as the leaves first change colour and then fall from the trees, we should also let go of things that no longer serve us, whether they are old thoughts, feelings, habits, or even people. In order to make room for new and better things, this decluttering of your life and mind should not be avoided.

Turn inward and look within.

Autumn is often the first reminder that the year is coming to an end. So before the holiday season, it’s the perfect time to reflect on what’s happened to us, what we’ve accomplished so far, and what we want to do in the future. That’s because as the days grow shorter and colder, we have fewer outside stimuli and prefer to stay in the cozy comfort of our homes.

Feel at one with nature.

The fact that nature goes into hibernation teaches us one important lesson: life is cyclical. Slowing down in autumn, resting in winter, starting afresh in spring, feeling energized in summer, we should follow the same natural rhythm to nourish body, mind and spirit. We are, after all, part of this larger cycle.

Be aware of the natural cycle of birth and death.

In autumn, we can still enjoy some fruits, vegetables and flowers (when you think of autumn, asters, chrysanthemums, grapes, apples and pumpkins probably come to mind). Nature inevitably enters a phase of dying, but in this death lies the promise of new life. The good news is that the flavours, colours and energy of summer are preserved in the seeds and soil, so we can look forward to a future spring revival. Ripening and fading happen at the same time, like two sides of the same coin.

Illustration of the seasonal cycle emphasizing spiritual practices for each season, including slowing down in autumn, resting in winter, starting fresh in spring, and feeling energized in summer.
As autumn arrives, slow down, reflect, and embrace the natural rhythm of life. This season encourages spiritual practices such as letting go of old patterns and preparing for renewal, following the cyclic transition of nature.

Celebrate autumn with a variety of spirits.

In many wine regions, the grape harvest marks the beginning of autumn celebrations, a time of natural abundance and joy, when we can reap the fruits of the year’s labour and grow. It can lead us to ask: What fruit can I reap this year in my life?

Celebrated on 31 October, Halloween or All Hallows’ Eve by the Christians, has evolved over the centuries into a multi-faceted holiday that combines ancient Celtic, Christian and modern American traditions. It’s believed that the boundary between the physical world and the afterlife is more permeable on this day, so it’s a great opportunity for us to try to communicate with spirits and our loved ones who have passed away.

As the leaves fall from the trees and the long nights draw in, it’s easy to see that death is a part of nature. This can bring to the surface our own relationship with death, grief and loss, culminating in one of the great autumn celebrations, All Saints’ Day. On November 1, many Christinas remember their deceased loved ones with flowers, candles and offerings.

William Cullen Bryant
American Romantic Poet /Journalist
(1794 –1878 )
Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.

There is another special day in November, Thanksgiving, which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of the month in the United States (the second Monday of October in Canada). This celebration is a great opportunity for us to show our gratitude and bring families together from around the world to enjoy a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

Some Spiritual Practices to Honor Autumn

Nature walks and mindfulness

In the fall, the transformation of nature can be an amazing source of inspiration. Take regular, mindful walks in the woods, parks, or meadows, paying attention to the changing colors of the leaves, the crisp air, the sounds around you, the feel of the sun’s fading rays on you, and your breathing. Try to immerse yourself in the rhythm of nature and to feel at one with it.

A peaceful autumn scene of a person walking along a path through vibrant red, orange and yellow foliage, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, evokes mindfulness and connection with nature.
A mindful autumn walk through the changing colors of nature, embracing the spiritual practice of connecting with the peaceful rhythm of the season.

Meditation and visualization

Autumn is a time for letting go and finding inner peace, so it’s worth dedicating time to daily meditation. Try a guided visualization meditation that uses autumn symbols, such as falling leaves, which represent release. Focus on what you want to let go of in your life and what new positive energies you’d like to invite in.

Sunset ritual

You can make a small altar out of nature’s treasures (leaves, stones, acorns, chestnuts) and candles, and watch the sunset in a quiet place, wrapped in warmth, to pay homage to the shortening days. During the ritual, reflect on the lessons of the past months and give thanks for what the year has given you.

Journaling for peace of mind

Start a journal specifically for fall and write about your inner thoughts, feelings, and what you want to hold on to and let go of. Autumn is a time of change, so journaling can help you articulate your inner insecurities and get a clearer picture of your inner desires.

Candle and fire meditation

During the cooler fall evenings, it can be especially soothing to light a candle or meditate by a fire. Sit by the candlelight, watch the dance of the flame, and allow yourself to sink deeply into the vision. Fire has long been a symbol of transformation and cleansing. It helps you release old patterns and discover new sources of inner light, and it is also a great tool for practicing telekinesis.

A peaceful autumn evening with a person meditating by candlelight, watching the flame dance in a serene, warm atmosphere, symbolizing spiritual transformation and inner peace.
A peaceful autumn evening of spiritual reflection by candlelight, embracing fire's symbolic power for transformation and inner light.

Creating a sacred space

Find your way back to your inner self so that you are open to embracing the new. The best way to do this is to create a sacred space – a space for reflection, meditation, yoga, measuring your vitality level, where you can ask yourself the questions you need to nourish your body, mind and spirit, in peace and alone. There are no specific rules about how it should look, it should simply reflect you. Just bring positive energy into your special space, using all your senses. So that each time you come here it subconsciously fills you with energy and calm.

Using the Egely Wheel

The Egely Wheel is a scientific tool invented by Dr. George Egely to measure your personal life energy levels. Because of its quiet nature, autumn can be a great time to examine your inner energies. It may be worthwhile to add this tool to your daily routine 1-2 times a day for a maximum of 20 minutes to explore your inner energy and increase your self-awareness. This is an excellent way to connect more deeply with your own energetic system and identify the activities and the factors that affect it.

Start measuring today

Support your time of reflection, yoga, telekinesis and meditation practice with the Egely Wheel, which helps you understand your life energy levels. Become more aware of what your body, mind and spirit need and learn how to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally.

Autumn as a Time for Spiritual Growth

Fall is the best time for you to focus on your spiritual development because things tend to slow down. With great weather and plenty of activities to distract you, summer is usually a time of celebration, travel, and fun for most people, rather than a time to stop and reflect on your life.

With the end of summer, you can finally slow down, enjoy moments of stillness, reflect on your life, and remember those you’ve lost, whether through mindful practices like yoga or meditation, or simply take in the beauty of the fall foliage.

To support this period of reflection, the Egely Wheel is also a great tool because it helps you understand your vitality and life energy levels. If you use it regularly, you become more aware of what your body, mind, and spirit need and learn how to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally.

Take a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet in your life and let the magic of autumn fill your days with renewal, gratitude, and serenity!

6 Sources +

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