Acupuncture and Bioenergy Together for Holistic Health

Hand-drawn illustration of acupressure therapy, showing hands applying pressure to specific points on another person's hand in a calm, serene setting

Acupuncture and Bioenergy Together for Holistic Health

Reading time: 8 minutes

Both acupuncture and bioenergetics take a holistic approach, examining and aiming to heal the whole person, both body and mind. Acupuncture treatments, like bioenergy treatments, seek to restore the energetic balance of the human body.

In this article we will discuss how acupuncture can increase your vital energy, how acupressure can be used as an alternative to acupuncture and how the Egely Wheel can be incorporated into your daily routine for your overall well-being.

From this perspective, acupuncture can be seen as a variant of bioenergetics, as the practitioner needs to know in which cases, where, when and how much energy to administer, and this can be achieved in different ways.

While traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) typically relies on the patient’s own energy reserves, bioenergy treatment requires the active participation of the healer.

What is Egely Wheel? Find out here.

Acupuncture for Life Energy Enhancement

The body circulates and distributes bioenergy in a similar way to blood or lymph. Just as injuries can disrupt the flow of blood or lymph, damage to the energy distribution network can also adversely affect the body.

Dr. George Egely
Hungarian Engineer / Inventor
(1950 – )
Places with a high concentration of acupuncture points measure higher levels of vital energy.

If something disrupts the meridians, such as a poorly-healed surgical scar that blocks the energy path, the effect on the affected organ is immediate. In such cases, plastic surgery serves a purpose beyond mere cosmetic improvement. Removing an unsightly, disruptive scar can restore the flow of energy, says Dr George Egely.

This process is far from simple, as the flow of energy is not static or constant, but varies over time, influenced by the time of day, the seasons and even the weather. Certain treatments are best done in the morning, others at noon or in the evening, and some are not recommended during storms, for example, he continues.

When Acupuncture Isn’t an Option

In addition to acupuncture, acupressure is also based on the body’s meridian system, which are thought to be energy pathways through which life force (chi or qi) flows. Both aim to promote the balance and harmony of these energies, thereby contributing to the body’s ability to heal itself.

Although the principles are similar, acupuncture and acupressure differ in their delivery techniques, the tools used and the depth of training required.

Acupuncture can only be performed by trained practitioners who insert thin, sterile needles under the skin to varying depths, often gently moving, rotating or vibrating them to facilitate the flow of energy.

Hand-drawn illustration of acupressure therapy, showing hands applying pressure to specific points on another person's hand in a calm, serene setting
Acupressure therapy utilizes touch rather than needles to stimulate the body's energy pathways, offering a gentle and accessible alternative to acupuncture.

Acupressure is a non-invasive technique that uses hands, fingers or various pressure tools instead of needles. In acupressure, the therapist or even you can apply pressure to the acupuncture points, often using circular motions or repeated pressure.

Top Tip

Why is the combination of an acupressure mattress and the Egely Wheel an essential part of every home?

Using the acupressure mattress together with the Egely Wheel, a device for measuring vital life energy, can be a particularly innovative and effective method for those who wish to delve deeper into their own wellbeing and the flow of energy in their bodies.

Human bio-energy and vitality are not dependent on a single factor, but are shaped by a chain of multiple elements. Among the factors that influence energy levels, sleep, rest and relaxation are the most important. - George Egely

Once you get used to the mattress, it can be used as a relaxation tool. Relaxing the muscles can lead to a much better quality of rest and help to replenish depleted energy levels more quickly, as measured by the Universal Life Energy Meter.

Why Use Acupressure and the Egely Wheel Together?

1. Feedback and Motivation

The Egely Wheel can help you measure and visualize your energy levels with the Vitality Quotient. If you are using an acupressure mattress, the Egely Wheel allows you to monitor how the use of the mattress affects your energy levels.

The first 1-2 minutes of use may feel a little uncomfortable, but this will pass quickly. From then on you may feel a gradual warming of your body due to increased blood circulation. This completely natural reaction is caused by the mechanism of acupressure.

Possible positions how the Egely Wheel Vitality Meter can be used
You can try several positions while using Egely Wheel.

This direct feedback from the Life Energy Meter device can provide insight into the positive effects of the practice on your body, increasing your motivation for regular use.

2. Customized Practices

Using both tools together allows you to customize your acupressure treatments based on the feedback provided by the Egely Wheel. For example, if your energy levels are not increasing as much as you would like, you can adjust the way you use the mattress, where you place it, or how long you use it.

  • Lying on your back to stimulate the back muscles, including the deeper back muscles.
  • Lying on your stomach to release tension in the diaphragm and the muscles responsible for breathing and to improve the body’s metabolism, thereby aiding detoxification.
  • Sitting to stimulate the back muscles, the muscles around the sacrum and the buttocks.
  • Standing to stimulate important acupressure points on the soles of the feet, which can have a positive effect on the whole body.

Gradual progress is essential. Use the mattress for 10 minutes on the first day, then increase the frequency by 5 minutes and on the third day by another 5 minutes.

For the best results, you should use the mattress for at least 20-40 minutes every day once you have got used to it. This period may vary from person to person.

3. A more Complex Wellness Routine

Acupressure alone has beneficial effects on the body, because the small spikes on the mattress stimulate acupressure points along the body’s meridians, which have a whole-body effect, promoting the free flow of Chi, also known as vital energy.

Beautifully designed acupressure mattress laid out in a tranquil, sunlit room with natural decor and a calming atmosphere
Stimulate your body's energy flow with acupressure mattress, perfect for enhancing your wellness routine in a peaceful, natural setting.

When combined with a device that can measure changes in your energy levels, you can develop a more complex wellness routine. This allows for a better understanding of how your body functions and the effects of energy flow. With the Egely Wheel, you can truly feel that health is wealth.

Conditions for which the acupressure mattress and the Egely Wheel can be used:

  • Back and lower back pain
  • Neck problems
  • Pain relief
  • Stiff muscles
  • Sleeping problems
  • General discomfort
  • Chronic fatigue

4. A more Conscious Lifestyle

Using the Egely Wheel can encourage you to pay more attention to your own body’s signals and energy flows. This can contribute to a more holistic and conscious lifestyle that includes monitoring your mental, physical and emotional health.

With a holistic approach, you can see everything as a whole because it focuses on the whole person, the balance of body and mind.

TCM is based on the ancient idea that man’s original state is health and that disease is an unnatural state.

The acupressure mat helps to restore this balance, and its gentle mechanism of action helps to achieve harmony by releasing endorphins and serotonin, which play an important role in regulating human emotions and bodily functions, contributing to mental health and well-being.

5. Scientific Approach

The Egely Wheel offers a scientific approach to measuring vital life energy that can complement the traditional, experiential methods of acupressure. Your personal experience will be more credible and you will be able to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of various wellness techniques incorporated into your daily routine.

The acupressure mattress was developed using the experience of traditional Chinese medicine. Its popularity is growing worldwide because it is safe, its effects can be felt within minutes and it is very easy to use.

The Egely Wheel is currently the only known physical measurement method capable of showing the intensity of the energy field surrounding a person as a function of distance. “Typically, the detectable thickness of this energy field varies between half a meter and one meter,” says Dr. George Egely.

Alternative Medicine as a Complement to Western Medicine

Bioenergetics and acupuncture have a lot in common. Essentially, in acupuncture your health revolves around the flow of ‘chi‘ or life energy along pathways known as meridians. Both are part of living a more holistic and conscious way of life that takes care of your mental, physical and emotional health.

Acupuncture can boost your vital energy, and if you can’t get to a clinic, acupressure is a great DIY alternative you can try at home. There’s also the Egely Wheel, invented by Dr George Egely, which you can use daily to keep an eye on your energy levels and spot any imbalances before you even start to feel down.

Although it has its limitations, alternative medicine is a fantastic complement to conventional Western medicine, especially for treating elusive conditions such as chronic fatigue, which is increasingly common these days and can be difficult to diagnose and treat.

4 Sources +

Egely Wheel has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.

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