Cloud Watching as a Form of Mental Relaxation

A person is lying on a grassy hill watching the clouds, with an Egely Wheel Vitality Meter placed on a wooden surface nearby. The scene is bathed in warm sunlight, creating a peaceful and meditative atmosphere.

Cloud Watching as a Form of Mental Relaxation

Reading time: 8 minutes

Cloud watching is a simple, natural method that can be used as a form of meditation to help us find inner stillness in the noisy, stimulus-filled environment of the modern world. Cloud watching not only helps us to consciously be in the present, but can also serve as a metaphor for observing and letting go of our thoughts.

Have you ever looked up at the sky and felt completely at peace? Cloud watching isn’t just a childhood pastime – it’s a powerful form of meditation that helps you slow down, clear your mind and watch your thoughts like passing clouds. Best of all, it’s a natural stress reliever that can boost creativity and concentration, making it a secret weapon for productivity.

In this article we’ll explore how clouds can help you relax, how they relate to our energy levels and mental strength, and how to use the Egely Wheel to get the best results.

The Metaphor of Clouds and Thoughts

Thoughts are like clouds: they come, they form, and then they disappear. If we can watch the clouds move without getting attached to any of them, we can learn to view our thoughts with the same acceptance. This role of observer helps us to achieve mental clarity and inner peace.

Picture this: you think about every thought that comes into your mind, and you see it as a little cloud drifting across the sky. You don’t have to identify with it or worry too much about it. Just sit with it for a little while and then let it go.

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A person is lying on a grassy hill watching the clouds, with an Egely Wheel Vitality Meter placed on a wooden surface nearby. The scene is bathed in warm sunlight, creating a peaceful and meditative atmosphere.
Relax, gaze at the clouds and measure your energy with the Egely Wheel to unlock mindfulness, creativity and vitality.

The Connection Between Cloud Watching, Egely Wheel, and Productivity

Just a few minutes of unstructured time can work wonders, calming the mind and giving the brain a much-needed break. This short pause—when we switch off our busy thoughts—is a golden opportunity to enter a clearer state of consciousness and better understand our energy levels and mental focus.

Manifesto of the Cloud Appreciation Society
We believe that clouds are for dreamers and their contemplation benefits the soul. Indeed, all who consider the shapes they see in them will save money on psychoanalysis bills.

Not only is cloud watching fun, but as a form of meditation it can improve your work performance by reducing stress, improving focus and creativity, and helping you relax in the midst of a demanding workload. Learning to observe your thoughts from a distance changes the way you respond to stress and can lead to unexpected ideas that are far from your usual automatic responses.

Here’s an interesting experiment: see how cloud meditation affects the spin of the Egely Wheel. Does being calm and relaxed make you more energetic and improve your mindset? When was it more effective, alone or in a group? This could be a big discovery, so it’s worth noting what you experience and reflecting on it in the Egely Wheel Recorder application.

Cloud Meditation: Together with Nature and Each Other

Meditation is often thought of as something you do on your own, but cloud meditation is also a great activity to do with a group. Get a bunch of people together somewhere quiet in nature, lie down in the final resting pose of yoga, shut out outside distractions, look at the clouds, and share your experiences to feel much more connected to each other and to the universe. A great effect of group meditation is to create a really powerful energy field that can make you feel more present and aware.

The Connection Between Cloud Meditation, Egely Wheel and Psychokinesis

The Egely Wheel measures mental and life energy and is often linked to psychokinesis—the idea that focused awareness and elevated energy levels can influence the physical world, possibly even cloud shapes.

For this to happen, you need an optimal mindset—somewhere between tense concentration and passive relaxation. This balanced, focused state is when the Egely Wheel spins the fastest.

To achieve an optimal mindset, first, quiet your mind and let go of distractions. Then, you’ll gradually raise your energy through positive emotions like joy and love. Once you’re in this heightened state, focus your intention and observe the Egely Wheel’s movement.

Group energy can enhance the effect, but only if everyone in the group is at a similar level of mental focus and openness. The key is achieving a “flow” state—where the mind is clear, energy is high, and you feel oneness with your surroundings.

Most importantly, set your intention, then let the energy flow freely without getting attached to immediate results. The more naturally you’re in sync with this state, the more powerful your results might be.

Going Beyond Cloud Watching: Cloud Shaping

Cloud shaping is an intriguing idea that suggests our thoughts and intentions can influence our environment, whether it’s the shape of clouds or even bending a spoon. It’s similar to the idea of manifestation, which says our thoughts and energy can affect not only our experiences but also the world around us. Visualization techniques often involve imagining a desired outcome, like success, health, or happiness, and attracting it into reality through actions that match our intentions.


That’s Why You See Faces in Everything

A cloud in the sky shaped like a perfect wheel, with subtle spoke-like details, creating a surreal yet natural visual effect.

So, why do we see faces, animals or other familiar shapes in clouds, rocks and even a piece of toast? Well, it’s all down to something called pareidolia, which is when your brain spots patterns in random objects.

It’s just something we’re naturally programmed to do. Our brains are really good at spotting faces and important patterns because they helped our ancestors survive. For example, we need to be able to spot people or predators coming up behind us, so our brains have been hardwired to look for patterns in everything. But sometimes, it’s a bit too sensitive, and we start to see faces or shapes in random patterns.

Pareidolia is basically a kind of visual illusion, because our brain doesn’t just see, it also interprets. We’re always trying to make sense of what we see, even if it’s just a burnt mark on toast or a strange shadow in a cloud.

While there’s no scientific proof that our minds can directly change the shape of clouds, many people swear by this practice based on their own experiences. One idea is that when you focus really hard on a cloud, your brain might unconsciously look for patterns that match your expectations, making it seem like your thoughts are shaping the cloud’s shape. Whether it’s real or just an interesting trick of perception, cloud shaping is an intriguing experiment in the power of focused awareness.

How Do You Start Cloud Watching?

  1. Find a quiet place, preferably outdoors.
  2. Look at the clouds without expecting anything.
  3. Watch the clouds form and disappear.
  4. Connect with the present moment and allow your thoughts to flow as freely.
  5. Try cloud shaping if you’re interested in manifestation.
  6. Use the Egely Wheel. If you’re curious about the effect on your vitality, measure your life energy after meditating by placing your hand a few centimetres above it. If you’re interested in the power of your mind, see if the Egely Wheel turns under a dome during meditation.
  7. If possible, try it in a group as the effect is multiplied and share your experiences!

A hand near the Egely Wheel device which indicates life energy levels, demonstrating the device's sensitivity to the human energy field.
The Egely Wheel, a tool for detecting and measuring life energy, responds to the proximity of a hand within 1-10 cm.

Enjoy and Benefit from Cloud Watching

Cloud watching is a great form of meditation where you are present and watch your thoughts like passing clouds – without getting attached. It can improve mental clarity, reduce stress and increase creativity, making it a great tool for productivity.

But here’s where it gets even more interesting: What if you could actually measure the effects of cloud meditation on your energy? That’s where the Egely Wheel comes in. It’s a fun way to see how your calm, focused mind affects the wheel’s movement, and can tell you a lot about your energy levels. You can try it on your own or as part of a group, and the energy created by everyone meditating together can make the experience even better.

And if you’re up for a challenge, you can even try cloud shaping. Some people believe that if you focus hard enough, you can influence your surroundings, like with manifestation or even psychokinesis. Whether it’s real or just a playful trick of perception, it’s an exciting way to tap into the hidden power of your mind.

So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to lie back, watch the clouds drift, and see where your mind—and energy—take you. You might just discover a whole new level of connection with yourself, nature, and the unseen forces around you.

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