27 Oct 8 Methods and Practices to Open Third Eye
Introduction to Third Eye
We have both physical and non-physical senses, and using both can support us in our actions. I’d like to describe an easy way to open our third eye – also known as our inner eye – in a passive way: by looking and sensing.
In reality, we are just spirits/souls that have been given a physical body to participate in the physical realm without a physical body. This would be impossible. One could conceive of our physical body as a type of vehicle.
Most souls forget that they are really souls, spiritual beings. But why? We are enchanted by this physical dimension that we had not experienced before. We did not know what time and space were, because as souls we had not experienced the limitations of physical reality. We heard the “call” and many of us could not resist the challenge. We went through several changes, which we call dimensional gates, until we were finally able to take on human form. What we call birth is a long process of preparation. When we are born, we accept and enter the physical body. As a baby, we come and go easily, because our vehicle is new to us and we are not yet identified with it, we are not so attached to it.
Growing up means learning to use the vehicle, learning to walk and talk, and learning to behave according to social expectations. This learning ties our attention to physical sensations so that we can understand signals and operate our physical bodies better in this physical reality.
As spiritual beings we see naturally, it’s part of our nature. When we look through our physical eyes, we are looking into two holes that show us a special signal coming from the many colourful “toys” – whether TV or the Internet. We can shift the focus of our inner eye away from our physical eyes. This is called passive, perceptual activation of the third eye.
See How to Deepen Third Eye Meditation Practice with a simple device.
Some of you may have heard of or experienced what we call “shape-shifting” or “mirror-gazing“, which helps you to see different aspects of your being. It is a step on the path to using the third eye.
Initial states of Third Eye Perception
Before I go into my own opinion on the third eye, I would like to describe some initial conditions.
- Most people have tiny particles in their eyes, and we often don’t see them because our focus is 1-2 metres in front of our eyes. In a relaxed moment, we can focus very close to our physical eyes, and we may notice a few particles that distort glowing objects and give a more colourful environment. This is a physical effect, not a subtle perception.
- Some people perceive something at the edge of their field of vision (with their peripheral vision) and try to suddenly turn their head to catch what they have perceived. It could be a real spirit trying to distract us. Our physical attention is usually in the centre of the field of vision. The edge of our field of vision is less focused, and sometimes the inner eye and the physical vision overlap there. This is the subtle vision of the third eye.
- Some people who are attracted to spirituality experience altered states of consciousness through drugs such as marijuana or cocaine. The difference between the use of drugs (including alcohol) and the natural use of non-physical perception, is that drugs distort perception by temporarily disabling the natural barriers that are present in us to varying levels according to our spiritual maturity. I don’t recommend the use of drugs – even legal ones – to achieve the altered state, because it leads not only to physical imbalance, but also to astral distortion, which is much harder to cure.
I think everyone has experiences with the third eye, but most people ignore them because their faith does not accept them as real. Part of this article can help us to re-awaken to this, to accept it as part of reality and not as paranormal, but simply as a natural experience.
Preparation and practice
One way to prepare is to read articles like this one on the third eye, where even your conscious mind catches some of the principles. You don’t have to believe these things, and you shouldn’t have expectations about how things should work. The point is: have an open mind.
Here are some well-known preparation exercises to help you open up and get ready. You can do these exercises daily, or even weekly – as best suits you.
- Light a candle and watch the flame for a while (about 1-2 minutes). At the same time, think about calming things, try to feel the room you are in and feel comfortable. Stare at the flame until your eyes start to water, and let your thoughts quiet down along with your body. Try to get into a meditative state, but this time it will be different than ordinary meditation, because now your eyes will remain open.
- If you have an animal (e.g. a dog or cat), try to look it in the eye and relax, to create inner peace. Pets often reflect human emotions and thoughts, and therefore teach us to achieve a state of inner peace by living in our environment.
- Look at yourself in the mirror and try not to laugh at the strangeness of the situation. Look at your face from a distance and say to yourself, “This is my face, a part of me, my physical body, my vehicle.” Look at your own face for 1-2 minutes. It is recommended to do this in gentle light, because strong light can hurt your eyes.
- If you’re more comfortable in outdoors than at home, find a place where you can completely relax and be still (e.g. by a lake or river). Try to achieve a meditative state, but – as I mentioned earlier – with your eyes open.
It’s important to be able to be calm with your eyes open. It’s much easier to relax with your eyes closed, when the visuals don’t distract you from your inner self, but for third-eye vision it’s helpful to be able to achieve a meditative state with open eyes.
Read more about Third Eye Meditation.
Theoretical background
As I mentioned before, we have a physical body that serves us through our physical senses, and our visual sense – our eyes – is sending thousands of electrical signals to us every moment. Not surprisingly, vision without the physical eye is not known, even in today’s technological age.
Using the physical eyes only
This is most common in Western civilisations. We have a very visual orientation, and our technical attention and our research require a high degree of perception of physical reality in order to change it, as we have done, for example, in industrialisation. I will not go into this in any depth, because the world today speaks for itself.

Using both physical eye and Third eye
This is the process I want to describe in this article. The physical eye sends impressions to the third eye of the physical reality that I have marked in the illustration – in the middle of the head, because that is where I personally feel and perceive it. So the physical eye perceives physical reality and the third eye perceives subtle physical reality.
If you train your physical eye, and reduce the information it transmits, you will slowly start to see with your third eye, which will provide you with impressions beyond physical reality. The nature of this subtle image is different from the impressions of physical reality. In simple terms, the physical images sent by the real eye represent the physical, and the images sent by the third eye are real in the subtle-reality. The goal is to harmonize the two. I can only partially explain the relationship between them, as it is best understood through practice.

Using the Third eye only
This is very rare, and can only be achieved through prolonged practice and inner allowance. Only by deeply trusting that there is more than physical reality can one take their focus off visual input. There is often a lot of fear within us, a deep fear of losing our orientation in physical reality. At least that was my experience as I slowly moved away from seeing with the physical eye. I describe this in detail below. By the way, with the eyes open, we also discover our inner eye more easily. Some people, including experienced spiritualists, prefer to “see” with their eyes closed. Most of us have a very strong belief that we can only see with open eyes. Anyway, my exercises are easier to do with open eyes.
Somehow, this theoretical background became the belief system I chose to mentally understand the experiences I had. Take them as personal truths, nothing more.

Activation – Passive Use
For the best results, I recommend four techniques.
Method 1 – Looking in the mirror
Do this exercise alone. This technique is an improved version of the relaxation exercises described above.

Watch your face in the mirror, in soft light. Be alone to make sure that no one will disturb you, as you need to enter a very deep state of consciousness, in which any physical distraction can affect you more deeply than in a waking state. If you are very tired, don’t exercise and don’t try. Do it when you feel comfortable. It’s important that you feel comfortable. This exercise is not a competition, you cannot win. The reason I say this is because I have met people who have become mentally stuck from wanting too much and have blocked themselves.
Look at your face in the mirror and calm yourself with thoughts like, “I am at peace with myself, just looking at my face to calm myself and find peace within myself“. With your physical eyes, focus on a single point between your eyes on your forehead, or on one eye. Do not look at both eyes, as this may cause your field of vision to move.
Don’t change your field of vision and don’t blink, because we have to divert your attention from your physical eye to your inner eye!
Pick a spot on your face, focus on it and don’t change it again. Stay at that point as long as you can, but don’t strain your eyes, do it as long as you’re comfortable. After a few moments, after about 30-60 seconds, when you are completely relaxed, you will feel the warmth on the back of your neck. I mention this to make you aware of your energy. If you don’t feel anything in particular, that’s okay, don’t expect to feel it, but if you do, know that you’re on the right track.
Warmth is energy that you achieve by focusing your attention. You can also think of it as the energy transmitted by your spiritual helpers, or guides on your spiritual path, or simply the presence of good. It is not important to know exactly what it is or who it is. If you are comfortable, open yourself even more. Imagine an inner door that opens while you are still looking at a certain part of your face.
A few moments later you will see a slight change in your face, starting from the point you are watching. Don’t expect this either, but be open to the fact that it can happen. But be careful, if you are obsessed with waiting for it to happen, it probably won’t.
You need to take your attention away from your physical eyes.

The change you notice in your face is the image transmitted by your third eye that reaches your consciousness, i.e. the image you see with your physical eye is “slipped over” the image of another face, another appearance. This face can be the face of a humanoid.
When this happens, breathe slowly and surround yourself with your best and most enjoyable energies, and perhaps close your eyes for a moment to adjust and clear them, as we are not used to keeping our eyes open continuously and without blinking for 60 seconds or longer. Now refocus on that point. As much as possible, relax your vision and then you will see your face change again and even faster.
If you see someone else’s face in yours, don’t be scared, just watch as an observer. Just look, don’t judge what you see, even if it’s a beautiful or grotesque face – just watch.
The whole process shouldn’t take more than 5-10 minutes, and if you don’t see anything after 2-3 minutes, stop. Once again, don’t cramp up, let go. And don’t judge yourself if nothing happens the first time.
Mirror gazing is part of the so-called mirror magic. In this context, the mirror is commonly used to focus the attention and will in order to create effective affirmations, or to invite souls, or perhaps to focus on the third eye.
Method 2 – Looking at faces or Shifting faces
It is recommended for those who have worked alone with a mirror, even if they have only briefly seen other faces.
For this exercise, ask a friend who is interested in energies and meditation and with whom you can openly share your spiritual thoughts without fear of being laughed at. It would be good if you both had a basic knowledge of the chakras. Practise relaxing meditation for 10-15 minutes, mentally surround yourself with light and put aside the daily problems and worries.
Use two chairs and a table. There should be a small candle on the table, but this is not necessary, it just helps you to relax and bring your mind into a more relaxed state. You can also sit on the floor, but be comfortable, this cannot be said enough. Have 1.5-2 metres between you. There should be no direct light, and take artificial lights off, use candles.

Look at each other’s face at one point – nose, between the eyes, forehead, or anywhere. It’s not important where you look with your physical eyes, but it is important to relax your gaze completely. As I mentioned earlier, don’t move your field of vision once you’ve found the point, and don’t blink again if possible. Every blink brings your attention back to your physical eye, so it’s important to relax your attention away from the physical gaze by relaxing both physically and mentally.
Breathe deeply and feel the energy around you, like when you feel warmth in the back of your head, face and neck. If you feel warmth on your face, that energy is radiating out of the third eye. If you feel the warmth on your back, upper body, or neck, it indicates that someone is entering your aura who has been attracted to this activity.
If you see something, say it… Relax and focus again until you see another face. Allow your friend to focus too, and maybe wait until they see a change. There is no race to win, if someone sees something, it doesn’t mean they are better. If it happens, that’s good, if it doesn’t happen, that’s good too. Help each other with patience. If it comes easy, tell each other about the face you saw.
In the beginning, it can be difficult to focus on one face because you might see 10-15 different faces in a few seconds – like watching a slideshow – but someone won’t let you wait until you understand the meaning. You need to learn to set the radio to the right wavelength. If there’s a face you like and you remember it, think of that face and let yourself go back to that face. It takes practice to keep focusing on a face.
Method 3 – Crystal sphere
It is also a way to relax the physical eyes and turn our attention to the inner eye. The crystal sphere, because of its physical structure, allows us to recognize unreal patterns and begin to astrally search for related energies and entities. When you look at faces, you use a key, like a face. The difference here is that you have to create a key in the sphere itself, depending on what you are looking for.
Method 4 – Candle
I’ve heard of candle initiation, but I don’t know exactly how it works. It seems that the candle initiation technique is good for reaching a certain state of consciousness, so you can see other entities in the flame. Frequently, through various ceremonies, they invite spirits to perform the activation.
If you succeed quickly, practice often to get used to it – so that your mind allows you to see with your inner eye in everyday life, not just in a pre-made environment.
If nothing is happening, if you don’t feel anything at all and your face doesn’t change, then maybe your attention is just tuned to the physical, and that’ s not a problem. I’ve met many people who half-deny their existence in the physical, but it’s better to ground themselves first in order to gain psychic abilities later – like third-eye sight. When your time comes, you may develop fine perception by other means. Keep an open mind and don’t be disappointed in yourself.

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Further steps
If you practice “face gazing” or “shape shifting” on a weekly basis, and if you can focus on changing faces in daylight, you can also use pictures to help you focus.
Focus as described above and create a key to attract the energies associated with the image. This key is an inner question and thought pattern that you transmit through your mind. This is different from channeling because here you get an image associated with an image. It is usually a face too, but not necessarily. If other face forms appear, be receptive, don’t judge or censor them with your current belief system.
Watch the faces of the people around you. While you are talking to them, observe the part of them that they keep to themselves, it gives you a glimpse into their higher personality, into who we all are. You may discover traits in someone’s personality that are linked to past lives, or traits they are trying to balance in their current life.
Advanced states
The next step of third sight is what I call clairvoyance. I’ve experienced it a few times and haven’t read anything about it for a long time. I once listened to a clairvoyant who saw my spiritual helpers and described what they looked like, and I can honestly say that at the time I felt like he couldn’t see them. A little later, when I practiced third eye vision further, I saw bright beings and realized that he was right after all, they really looked like he described them.
When you focus on the other person and look from their face to their outline, you can begin to see their dull white aura, and then you have to abandon looking with the physical eye even more. You enter a trance-like state but you are fully conscious, your brain is completely passive and observing – a perfectly peaceful state. Slowly everything around you starts to glow – not just the person, but the wall and everything around you.
When I stayed in this state, my field of vision widened – not to a full 360 degrees but to about 240 degrees. I could also see the light behind my shoulder and I felt that I was literally not using my physical eyes because my vision was not stereoscopic, but a kind of intense seeing and sensing of the energies in the room.
You’ll see glowing, smoke-like, dancing energies, you’ll see your own aura or energy field flooding your vision, and everything will become brighter and brighter without the use of any artificial light. You may see light beings in the room, or a human form transforming into a bright light that supports you and the people around you.
Read more about Aura Energy.
Out-of-body Experience
The next step in the state of clairvoyance is when your vision becomes a full 360 degrees and you feel that you are in the center of your head (the point of your existence), and then, when you are perfectly centered, you leave your body with full consciousness and you feel like a bee, very small, while the room becomes very big and you see everything in 360 degrees.
Charles Goldmann wrote: “A form of mediumship is what is called traveling telepathy, which is actually an out-of-body experience. When the medium consciously leaves his body and in this state observes his surroundings, it is called traveling telepathy.”
I must honestly say that I always felt a great deal of fear when I reached this state. I’d only go out of my head for a little bit, and I’d slide right back into the middle of my head, but I could always maintain a state where I could see almost completely 360 degrees. As I mentioned before, it’s a peaceful state, reality becomes more intense and more real, more vivid.
Activation – Active Use
What I described above is all passive use. There are several different intensities of conscious, active use of the third eye.
Full activation
Fully activating the third eye through kundalini is a big step, and it requires the help of a teacher or guru. I’m not really a follower of the gurus, but I have to be honest and say that without a trained teacher, or without being fully aware of a past life where you have already received this teaching, it’s not a good idea to try.
As long as the third eye is used separately in some way, less can be achieved. For example, as you open up additional chakras to perceive subtle realities, you will not only see images, but also feel sensations and emotions that help you understand these impressions. The same applies to active use. If you consciously work with the root chakra (full acceptance of incarnation, full groundedness), and the heart chakra, and the crown chakra (acceptance of the higher purpose of life), you will experience true miracles.
The balance of all the other chakras is also essential for the full activation of the third eye, which leads to the awakening of the kundalini and the true enlightenment of the incarnated soul. There is no shortcut to bringing yourself into full balance…
Read more about Kundalini Energy and Chakra Healing.
Visualization is taught in many places, in meditation groups, among those interested in out-of-body experience, and now in modern management teachings as well. You manifest with the third eye, with the power of the heart and root chakra. When you visualize, you draw astral and etheric energies to you and function as a kind of modeler.
Managers: They visualize actively and ground themselves with the root chakra to measure the success of the business and achieve a business and company that thrives: “Your success is your own creation.” Nowadays, managers are semi-conscious yogis who manifest things with material energy called money. Spiritual people often judge those who are immersed in the material, but it is only that they learn to manage the energy in it and then they are captivated by its use.
Artists: They often see more and transform the upper dimensions into matter (images) with their third eye and physical eye. For example, a very intense picture created by an artist has a physical appearance and an astral aspect, and if the artist was balanced when he drew it, we can also feel it and be deeply touched by it. Egyptian culture, for example, was very much aware of this connection and its hieroglyphs are much more than just physical symbols.
Scientists/engineers: Scientists also visualise, especially when they have to make their theoretical research available to industry. Designing, drawing symbols so that people can recognise something physical, relies on the ability to create higher realities within the limits of physical reality.
Everything we touch – cooking, painting a wall, signing a contract, riding a bike or driving a car – all have an astral aspect that is more real than the physical aspect. The connection between the two is the secret to all success.
Frequently Asked Questions
Some of the things you can experience when you’ve gained some experience:
1. My head hurts when I practice this. What should I do?
It’s like when you haven’t used a certain muscle for a long time and now you want to again – it’s hard for your brain to process all that information. You may also have an energy block in the third eye chakra. Try putting one hand on your heart chakra and the other on your forehead, then after a while move the hand on your forehead to the back of your head. This may help. Most often, you may have a headache in the days following the first use of the third eye, but usually it is not an intense headache.
2. I see so many faces. What does it mean?
This person has many aspects of personality that you can spiritually perceive, as well as entities in their aura. I don’t usually talk about this or share my perception of this because it is my experience that it is usually more confusing than helpful. Perhaps mention the main characteristics of all the faces you perceive, such as fear or lack of appreciation. Support this person with words of understanding and suggest that they integrate these hidden and repressed aspects of their personality. Those who judge themselves strongly tend to have many sad faces, or attract entities that have had their features distorted by accident or illness when they left their bodies, and who have now found a being who thinks of themselves in a similar way, so they cling to it. This symbiotic relationship based on compassion is not something to be condemned.
3. I see strange, ugly faces. What does it mean?
Strange faces tend to be those who are mentally unstable, can’t focus, and anything attracts their attention that seems able to give them something. Ugly faces need to be distinguished from past lives when other forms of beauty were accepted by society – so what may appear ugly to us may have been beauty incarnate in another age. For those who are very afraid of getting fat, for example, you might see fat faces. Understand that because they fear this will happen again, their relationship with their body is problematic.
4. How do I know if the face I see is an entity or a face from a previous incarnation?
Usually you can see the energy associated with them. Your inner knowledge allows you to understand the bigger picture. Past unbalanced lives that the person rejects may appear as entities in their aura, or attract similar entities to the person. Do not define it by your current belief system. Perhaps you should do more research on this subject. For me, it takes time (sometimes minutes, hours, sometimes even months) to process all the impressions I get when I look at another person with my third eye.
5. There is no other face, just the same one a little younger. What does that mean?
I have seen only one person with my third eye whose face has not changed, but has only become brighter and more intense in appearance compared to the physical. When I tried to figure out what that might mean, I got the indication that this person had integrated all aspects of himself and had become a complete, actualized personality.
6. I can’t look at animals’ faces. What should I do?
It takes a little practice. I tried it once with my dog and saw a similar dog in it, but I didn’t get any more impressions. Once I tried it with our bunny and he didn’t have a face, he turned into a shiny white ball… it affected me so deeply I can’t even describe it in words. It reminded me of the divine nature of all living things.
7. Is it sure that what I see is related to the person?
Yes, and to you. You use the “key pattern” of the other person’s face to search the repository containing all the patterns. The more you practice, the deeper patterns you will see. All information comes to you in the form of understanding. It is also possible that you are not allowed to receive the information. You will feel or even hear your spiritual guides, who are always there when you are watching with your third eye. The more open you are, the more universal information you will receive. The more strongly you cling to your belief system, the more you limit yourself in understanding the things you perceive.
8. For meditation, it is recommended not to drink alcohol and not to eat meat. Is this also true for the third eye vision?
Alcohol affects the solar plexus chakra and the throat chakra, where some of the alcohol’s subtle energy is absorbed. In the case of meat, especially if you eat raw meat, it attracts entities that have died a similar death. Try looking at a slaughterhouse with your third eye and you’ll know what I mean. When you begin to open up and use your chakras consciously, it can be helpful to reduce the influences that can distort your observations.
9. With who can I share the technique of activating the third eye?
With anyone you feel is receptive and understands the meaning of it. Those who cannot understand it will not see it. I would just say don’t play with it, but use it to further understand the subtle reality.
These were some of the most common questions I encountered in my work teaching people to see with the third eye.