02 Dec Why Choose the Egely Wheel as a Christmas Gift in 2024?
Christmas is just around the corner again in 2024, and now is the ideal time to start shopping for gifts! While traditional Christmas gifts are wonderful, many people prefer to get something truly unique and original.
The Egely Wheel is such a unique, high quality device that reads and measures the energy that people give off, and this year you can get the Egely Wheel with a new addition. With the Egely Wheel Recorder (EWR) application, anyone can take managing and tracking their energy levels throughout the day to a new level..
Finding stability in a chaotic world with the Egely Wheel
Anxiety, difficulty making choices in the face of so many options, increasing daily demands, and constant pressure to conform are some of the many barriers that impede our progress, drain our energy, and affect more people than we may realize.
Finding the support that keeps us stable and focused on the things that are meaningful to us can often feel like a challenge. One such support could be the Egely Wheel, which detects when people release energy blockages that impede the free flow of energy during various practices.
The objective feedback bridges the gap between subjective experience and tangible reality, increasing confidence and health awareness and helping even the rational mind to better understand spiritual phenomena.
What is Egely Wheel? Find out here.
What can the Egely Wheel be used for?
Even in a time when the world around us is changing at a rapid pace, the Egely Wheel can show everyone the way to a slower and therefore more balanced life. The Egely Wheel can be used in a variety of ways to gain deeper insight into how your energy levels develop and affect your body, mind and spirit.
- During and after meditation: Measure how your energy level changes as a result of focusing and quieting your mind.
- After running or any type of exercise: Observe how your body reacts to intense physical activity.
- After energy work: For example, during Reiki, Qi Gong, or other energy healing practices to monitor your energy flow.
- To enhance telekinetic abilities: Helps fine-tune focused attention and energy flow.
- To study the effects of your diet: Find out how the food you eat affects your energy level and vitality.
- When practicing yoga: Understand how different types of yoga and poses affect your body and energy.
- When experimenting with relaxation techniques: Find out which methods work best to help you relax and restore balance.
- Integrating it into the self-care routine: The measurement needs to be done in an undisturbed place, possibly a place that is meaningful to you, has high energy, and allows me time.

Why give the Egely Wheel a chance?
If we learn to harness and channel our life energy, we will, in the long run, be able to live a life that is in harmony with our values, our desires, and our spirit.

This device is probably the most serious toy or the most playful serious thing you have ever met.
The Egely Wheel is for those who wish to:
- Understand how energy works and how to channel it,
- Recognize when they are at a higher energy level and when they are drained,
- Live their lives more consciously, more focused on their goals,
- Become more aware and reach higher levels of consciousness,
- Feel more balanced and fulfilled,
- Access their spiritual resources more abundantly, and
- Gain a better understanding of their body, mind, and spirit.
Start measuring today
The Egely Wheel is trusted by thousands of people who practice yoga, telekinesis, meditation and healing. This device is the best solution for measuring your energy flow and efficiency of healing, and you get instant feedback.
Health awareness with the Egely wheel
It’s not easy for us to change because it takes a lot of time, patience, and perseverance. It might be said that the first step in any change is to choose to be happier, more resilient and more confident. Many satisfied users have found the Egely Wheel to be a useful companion on this journey of health awareness and self-fulfillment.
If you know someone who cares about their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, the Egely Wheel, designed for mindful energy use, is the perfect gift.

Use XMAS20 coupon at the checkout
The Egely Wheel and the Egely Wheel Recorder are available with a 20% discount!
In the rush of everyday life, it can be challenging to find a quiet moment to reflect on what really matters. If this is the case for one of your loved ones, the Egely Wheel and the new Egely Wheel Recorder can help them find the path that brings them balance and health awareness when they feel they’re losing focus and everything is suddenly piling up around them.
- Let them change for their own good!
- Motivate others by sharing a key to transformation!
- Connect them with like-minded people in our global community who are sympathetic and understanding!
Imagine what it would be like if you could have this unique Egely Wheel + EWR app now at a 20% discount? May all your wishes come true!
In December you can give someone the key to a new direction in their life with a 20% discount!
The Egely Wheel is a portable device that you can use anytime, anywhere. It’s small enough to keep at your desk, and it comes in a high-quality wooden box with a manual that explains how it works. You can practice with it whenever you have a few minutes to spare during the day, because each measurement only takes three minutes. By learning when you have higher energy levels and when you are depleted, you can identify how to better maintain your energy levels throughout the day. In addition, the EWR app has so many features that will make it easy for you to channel your life energy into a conscious and balanced self.
Is this exactly what someone needs in their life? Give it to your loved ones to truly transform their lives; it’s the perfect gift for those who want harmony, focus, and awareness in the hustle and bustle of everyday life!