![Group of people during a seance: an attempt to communicate with spirits.](https://egelywheel.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/comminicating_dead.jpg)
23 Jul 6 Ways to Communicate With the Dead
Your desire to communicate with the dead can come about for many different reasons. For example, you may simply want to reach out to someone you miss very much. It’s also possible that you’re experiencing a haunting and need to speak with the spirit to resolve grievances. This article aims to share the information that such people have gathered in a concise manner, and to give you some tips on how to talk to the dead.
This spiritual presence may be strong enough to be a poltergeist phenomenon, or it may be subtle but definite enough to have an impact on your life. Many people often feel like the dead are trying to contact them, or they just need that last little bit of closure before letting someone go. If you feel any of these, do not worry; you are not alone.
The Methods and Tools for the Communication with the Dead
Since time immemorial, people have been fascinated by the idea of communicating with the dead. There are numerous rituals and people who claim to be able to do so.
From shamans and mediums to priests and psychics, many people have tried and are still trying today to reach the dead and to transfer information between them and their living counterparts.
Medium: Involving a Third Party to Speak to the Dead
It usually takes a very special person to be able to speak effectively with the dead. While it may be possible to contact the deceased on your own, why wouldn’t it be, the presence of a third party can be a great help.
Especially if that third party is knowledgeable about such phenomena, has seen hauntings or the presence of paranormal phenomena before, and is willing to help you make sense of what is happening around you.
You may feel panicked or too close for comfort, especially if the presence you are dealing with is someone you knew in their earthly existence: a parent, sibling, relative, friend, or former lover. In these cases, a psychic may be able to put just the right amount of distance between you and the person you are trying to communicate with.
A medium may also be necessary if you are not sure how to communicate with the dead, or if you are unsuccessful. Often the presence of a third party is needed for your comfort and to help you accomplish what you could otherwise do alone. A psychic should be able to recognize when and, more importantly, why his or her presence is needed, and act accordingly.
Séance: Communicating with the Dead Together
A séance is an event in which a group of people gather to channel their collective energy in an attempt to communicate with the dead. Typically, these seances are led by someone who has experience talking to the deceased or other paranormal phenomena; in other words, a medium.
A medium can be a clairvoyant, a priest, or an exorcist, but it can also be an ordinary person who happens to have experience in these matters and the willpower to conduct such an event.
Although there are no rules and regulations as to what a seánce looks like and how it works, the medium will typically try to appeal to the spirit to show itself, either by manifesting itself or by performing a simple act that lets the party know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is indeed present.
This may be turning on and off a light switch or flashlight, tapping on something, or moving an object. The medium may also find ways to speak for the spirit in question, or may be able to hear or see the deceased and relay information they wish the living to know.
EMP and EVP: Electronics for Talking to the Dead
Sometimes tools of some kind can be useful in communicating with the dead. One tried and true method that has yielded a lot of results for people interested in the subject is EMP (electromagnetic pulse) and EVP (electronic voice phenomena). Both use electronics to allow the dead to talk to us.
With EVP, a recording is made of a room or place believed to be haunted, perhaps with questions asked. When the recording is listened to, it may be possible to find messages or voices in the recording itself saying something or even answering the questions asked.
EMP requires a reader or meter that can register electromagnetic pulses. By asking yes or no questions in a room or place of high spiritual activity or energy, you may find that these impulses are being sent in certain ways to signify yes or no answers. By agreeing with the spirit beforehand in some way what the yes or no answers are (for example, one for yes, two for no), you can get results and actually communicate with the spirit you are trying to reach.
Ouija Board: The Classic Tool for Communicating with the Dead
Another useful tool that has been around for almost a century is the Ouija board. Constantly featured in movies and on television as the premier way to talk to the dead, the Ouija Board uses the energy of the people using it to communicate with the dead. The reason for this is that many people have reported using it and getting results.
The concept is very simple. Usually more than one person is needed, and by each of you holding the reader over the board and asking questions, you will feel a force guiding the reader. In this way, the deceased can send very specific messages to you and the company involved.
Since the board is laid out with the alphabet, numbers, and a yes and no option, communication is made very simple and direct. These boards are very easy to find and buy online, but you can also try to make one yourself. Ouija boards are usually used by a medium or are part of a seánce where a group of people use them together. But Ouija boards can also be used alone.
Egely Wheel: A Modern Tool for the Communication with the Dead
Another very useful tool in communicating with the dead is the Egely Wheel. This is a wheel that has a surface tension of virtually zero, so it is very sensitive and can respond to spiritual energy and can actually pick up fluctuations in that energy.
Just as you can move it with the power of your mind, you can also allow an entity that you believe is in your home or in a space that you use to move the wheel. As such, you can agree with the entity what the terms of your communication are (such as a certain direction of the wheel being a positive or negative response), and this wheel can assist you in speaking with the dead.
Set clear terms, such as right being “no” and left being “yes. You can also tell the spirit how many times to spin the wheel for a particular answer. The Egely Wheel can also be a very useful tool in finding the place where a spirit resides or where its energy is highest.
By taking readings with the Egely Wheel in a particular place, you can determine where the spiritual energy is higher or most intense, and try to go to that place using the wheel as your guide. By following the energy they emit, you can find the place where the spirit is trying to guide you, perhaps to communicate, or perhaps because the location itself is the key to what they are trying to tell you.
Prayer & Meditation: The Meaning of Faith in Reaching the Dead
If you are a person of faith, prayer or meditation may be another way to reach the dead and speak to them. The prayer must be heard by the dead person, so it is vital that the person is of the same faith and understands the message you are trying to send. It is also important to let the spirits speak for themselves and be heard.