20 Apr Telekinesis and Materialism
What is Telekinesis?
The term “telekinesis” surfaced after Alexander N. Aksakof proposed to erect occultism and psychic abilities into a science for the first time ever. It involves the movement of different objects at a distance by using mind power without the help of normal physical manoeuvers.
On the other hand, the term “materialism” denotes the formation of organic or inorganic structures from material that is borrowed from the body of the individual in whose presence the phenomenon takes place and the individual who is essential to the generation of the energy.
In some cases, this individual is referred to as the “medium“, however, the term “psychic” is considered to be more congruous with the abilities of the user.

Telekinesis and Materialism
The word “materialism” was first recognized in 1870 when Mrs. Andrews of Moravia, New York, produced “spirit forms“. It is said that these spirit forms were originally supposed to be efforts of disembodied spirits to take on ordinary substance for the purpose of making themselves visible to the mortals.
Scientific men during that time did not give much emphasis to the possible existence of spirit forms back then until the arrival of Sir William Crookes in 1871. After coming to the scene, Crookes announced his intention of conducting a series of experiments to unearth this mystery.
His series of experiments were conducted over a span of three years and lead to amazing results which had a considerable amount of results that could have revolutionized both physics and biology.
See How to Practice Telekinesis with a simple device.
However, the experiments were conducted without extensive precautions which rendered it impossible to arrive at a clear-cut decision. There are many instances of people using telekinetic abilities, and among these, Eusapia stands out as one of the most remarkable personalities.
At the age of twenty-two, she was discovered by Damiani, who had been strongly influenced by the works of Crookes. It was accordingly discovered that Eusapia’s chief “control” thereafter was a spirit named John King, who claimed to be the brother of Katie King, a spirit maiden who Crookes had a chance of coming upon in one of his most remarkable séances.
She was introduced to the famous criminologist, Lombroso, who was eventually convinced that he had embraced the spirit of his late mother through the mediumship of Eusapia in the form of materialization.

In one of the recent studies of developing telekinesis and materialism, Mr. E. J. Dingwall investigated the phenomenon of materialization. He discovered materializations resembling animal tissue and went on to describe that it resembled something analogous to animal tissue. Some advocates of materialism have supported the existence of a new substance called the “teleplasm“.

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There is another aspect that should not be overlooked when it comes to spiritual energy. The forces that are behind the perpetuation of occultism and supernaturalism are quite powerful and result from human beings’ craving for the marvellous.
The phenomenon of telekinesis and materialism is associated with names such as Crookes, Lombroso, Richet, Flammarion, Geley, and von Schrenck-Notzing, and these people somehow “spiritualized” science and gave people a chance to examine human consciousness and energy manipulation when developing telekinesis.