telekinesis Tag

Telekinesis is the ability to move objects without touching them. Some call it psychokinesis, I don't. I can hear you now saying, "Is there really such a thing as telekinesis? There can’t...

The term ‘telekinesis’ surfaced after Alexander Aksakow proposed to erect occultism and psychic abilities into a science for the first time ever. It involves the movement of different objects at a distance...

Hydrokinesis is the mystical ability to control all forms of water using only the power of thought. This includes being able to change water’s state. Learn more...

Electrokinesis is the mystical ability to use thought to produce or control electrical charges by manipulating the charged particles of the atom. Learn more...

Aerokinesis, or airbending, is the psychokinetic ability to control the movement of air using the power of thought, often the result of intense concentration. Learn more...

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