How to measure your Spiritual Energy

Figure of a meditating man with prana energy flowing in him

How to measure your Spiritual Energy

Reading time: 4 minutes

The our existence on this planet is material and spiritual at the same time, the soul lives in the body they are with together one whole. Our bodies are a system, this system work with energy we can make energy and we can take up energy from the outside from the Universe and other people, nature etc. The energy is a “fuel” for our body so we can create something.

The inside knowledge is what live in our body the energy helps that knowledge will be magnificent manifestation in the space. Probably many people do not realize it so hard create something for the world.

Representation of meditation and flowing life energy in a creative artistic way
Human body comprises matter and energy.

The self- knowledge is very important factor in the evolution when I know the ancient knowledge what lives in me and I use this I am in the flow and in the now. Part of self development process is to give energy and receive this.

There are different energy levels, we move between negative and positive poles. From outside world sometimes come negative energy this energy effects for us. For example the pyramids can cleans the negative energy, what come from outside world.

See How to Measure Spiritual Energy with a simple device.

If we create something, we create it with energy and ancient knowledge but if we want create something with ego it is not good for everyone, this will be low energy level. The big question is why happening this if we create something with ego?

Creative artwork about meditating woman and the energy flows in and around her body
Creation is only possible with energy.

The answer is simple this is the rule of Universe, what you give to the outside world, you will get back. The far Eastern culture calls it karma, so you will take your karma to the next life what you are making in the present, if you would not like to make karma you need to use your inside ancient knowledge because this help that you to walk to your path of destiny so if you walk on this way you can release your karma.

All around the world live the energy we can use it for the future. Self- knowledge’s possibility a huge chance that we should be who we are. If we use our ancient knowledge, we create conscious, the pure energy helps this creation so we are in the flow.

The love energy is neutral it is not negative and not positive it is in the middle. If we are in the middle we use neutral or pure energy and we live in the now, live in th present, so we can use our “third eye”. Taoism teaches that the third eye also called mind’s eye,is situated between the two physical eyes, and expands up to the middle of the forehead when opened. Taoism claims that the third eye is one of the main energy centers of the body located at the sixth chakra, forming a part of main meridian, he line separating left and right hemispheres of the body.

Virya is a Buddhist term commonly translated as energy or effort. I can be defined as an attitude of gladly engaging in wholesome activities, and it functions to cause one to accomplish wholesome or virtuous actions with love.

Use your energy well with Egely Wheel

The Egely Wheel is an interesting device you can check your life energy level with it. Nowadays many people live in the noise place these sounds makes negative energy level we call it stress, we are tried and angry and we do not understand what happening in our body.

Start measuring today

The Egely Wheel is trusted by thousands of people who practice yoga, telekinesis, meditation and healing. This device is the best solution for measuring your energy flow and efficiency of healing, and you get instant feedback.

Egely Wheel helps to pay attention about your energy level it is very important because we can not use very well our energy system so we are on negative level. However when you are calm the pure or love energy affects your actions it is will be good for you and everybody this is a creation with ancient knowledge so you will be happy and health in body and soul.

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