13 Feb How to create a psi ball
Psi ball are created by molding psi energy with your mind and hands to form the energy into a sphere or ball shape. However, you can construct it into the shape of a square, a pyramid or any other shape your mind can think of. Psi ball is tangible and is very easy to make. It can be used for various purposes such as telepathy, healing and confidence booster. If you have practice long enough, you can start seeing psi ball with the naked eye and this is the first step to seeing the aura. The standard psi ball is a little bigger than a baseball, and smaller than a softball. However, they can be made quite large, to fit around the body and yes, even bigger than that.
Creating a “Psi Ball” is not Telekinesis as such, but is nevertheless, like relaxation, concentration and meditation a useful preparatory exercise. By creating a Psi Ball you will learn about the manipulation of Energy using the power of the Mind alone; which is also an important aspect of Telekinesis.
See How to Practice Telekinesis with a simple device.
Anything at all can be “shaped” by the Mind. In fact everything that exists, not only within the physical Universe, but in the entire Universe from The Source out to and including the physical Universe is conscious, intelligent Energy, “shaped” by Mind. In the case of the entire Universe the Mind we are referring to is the infinite Mind of The Source, The First Cause, of “God”.
As aspects of “God”, made in the true “image of God”, we have exactly the same powers of creation. Most people still do not yet realize this, and therefore although they are subconsciously creating by focusing on things, whether they are wanted or unwanted, they simply either fail to notice their creations or ascribe them to such notions as “luck”, “chance” or “fortune”.
It is only when a person starts to understand that they are in fact a conscious creator that they can start to take control of their own lives and “destiny”, by consciously creating only those things they desire to experience in their life.
Our powers of creation do not only extent to “inanimate” objects however. We have the same infinite power to create anything at all, seen or unseen, animate or inanimate; in fact we have the power to create intelligent, living entities that can make decisions and perform independent actions. These entities are known as “elementaries” when they are created upon the Astral plane, or “elementals” when created on the Mental plane of the Universe.
Elementals and in particular elementaries can even created unknowingly by people when they focus on what they perceive to be a physical entity. For example, when thousands or even millions of people focus on a comic book character who they believe to be real, and many children will indeed believe a comic book character to be real, the collective power of that thought will actually create that comic book character upon the Astral planes. Thus created the figure will have all the characteristics of the comic book counterpart and be fully capable of an independent existence, thus a “life” has been created. Such a figure will continue to exist until people cease to focus on it; e.g. when the figure is withdrawn from the comic book.
There are people, for example Magicians, who fully understand these creative powers and who can actually create entities upon the Astral planes for specific purposes. Often these elementals, sometimes known as “servitors” are created for positive purposes, for example as a warning or protection against psychic attack, but they are also created for negative purposes, for example for carrying out a psychic attack on someone. There are many other purposes such elemental beings can be created for.
There are also many other types of Energy form that can be created by the Mind. Some of the Martial Arts make use of Energy based shields and weapons, some of which are so powerful that the creator can seem invincible.
In some parts of the world, particularly the Far East in places such as Tibet, there are people such as Tibetan Monks who have such a high level of control over Energy, they can sit for hours or even days in the snow, in temperatures many degrees below freezing, and not only survive, but actually feel warm. In fact if they wish to they can even melt snow not only around them but at great distances by controlling Energy by the power of thought alone.
So you see, we have incredible powers to influence Energy if we know how to utilise those powers, and creating Psi Balls is an excellent exercise for this. By creating a Psi Ball you will learn about Energy and how to control it, which, along with relaxation and concentration is very important, because it will provide you with the belief you need to succeed with Telekinesis.
Once you have created your first few Psi Balls, you will know, beyond any doubt that you do indeed have the power to control Energy.
How to create a Psi Ball
The process of creating a Psi Ball must start with the same procedures as for any type of Energy control. In order to effectively influence Energy you must first be totally relaxed, in the right state of Mind and totally focussed on what you are about to do. Your Mind and your entire thoughts must be concentrated on the task in hand and not on the mundane things of daily life.
It cannot be emphasised enough that there if you are tempted to leave out these prerequisites you will not succeed and if you do not succeed you will quickly come to believe these abilities are not possible, in which case they will not be possible. Learning any inner ability is a process of belief, practice and accomplishment, and any temptation to short-circuit this process will result in disappointment and inability to succeed in the future.
Creating Psi Balls assumes that you have already diligently practiced the relaxation, concentration and meditation exercises as discussed in chapters 2, 3 and 4 and accordingly that you already have the ability to completely relax and concentrate at will by going through the necessary exercises.
Your objective for any inner ability is to be able to achieve the required state as quickly as possible so you can focus on the task in hand. After time you should be able to simply sit on your chair and deeply relax at will.
Commence by entering your usual personal space, sitting on your special chair, closing your eyes and going through the exercises for deep physical relaxation as described in chapter 2, but this time do not allow the radiant white sphere of light to leave through the top of your head, but rather, using your imagination, hold the glowing sphere of radiant white light in the position of the top of your head.
Next imagine the glowing radiant white sphere of light to slowly begin to travel back down your body; down through your neck to your shoulders, and then the radiant sphere of white light divides into two, one half travelling down your left arm and the other half travelling down your right arm.
The radiant sphere of white light now travels slowly down your arms to your elbows and continues slowly down to your wrists.
When the radiant spheres of white light reach your wrists, pause for a moment and notice again how bright, radiant and powerful this light is. Feel the Energy of these spheres as a warm as the sun on a hot summers day. Feel the power and potential of these radiant bright white spheres of light and know, beyond any doubt that they will respond to your every thought.
Next place your hands so your palms are facing each other a about 3 inches or 7 millimetres apart, and “cup” them slightly so your fingers curve inwards and the tips of your fingers face each other, as if holding an invisible ball.
Now imagine the white radiant spheres of light to travel slowly down from your wrists to the palms of your hand, and then to merge again between your cupped hands to form a glowing, radiant white ball of light between your cupped hands.
Focus on this glowing, radiant white ball of light between your cupped hands and begin to feel the warm glow of Energy emanating from it. Feel the warmth increasing to the point where it actually begins to feel hot, like the radiant heat of the Sun.
Feel the pulsating power of this radiant ball of Energy and take some time to focus upon it while still feeling its radiant heat, knowing beyond all doubt that this ball of Energy has infinite potential, and will respond to your every wish simply by willing it to do so.
Next, very slowly begin to move your hands towards each other. Notice the resistance as the Energy of the radiant ball of white light resists. The harder you move your hands together the more the ball of Energy resists you efforts.
Congratulations; you have now created your first Energy Psi Ball! Sometimes it is possible to see your Psi Ball, but not always and do not be surprised or disappointed if you cannot see it. A Psi Ball is pure Energy which cannot normally be seen by means of the physical eyes unless you have natural clairvoyant abilities.
However, you always have total control over your own creations, and if you wish to physically see your Psi Ball all you need to do is to will it to become visible to you. If you choose to do this, first keep your eyes closed but focused in the direction of your cupped hands. Now will radiant ball of Energy to become visible to you and very slowly open your eyes just a fraction, enough to see your cupped hands while remaining totally focused on the area between your cupped hands. You might then see the Psi Ball as a glowing white, or sometimes electric blue glowing ball of light. In fact, even though you have your eyes partially open you are actually seeing the Psi Ball clairvoyantly as opposed to your physical eyes which are only designed to receive photons of physical light. Now slowly close your eyes once again.
Sometimes it is quite possible to photograph or video a Psi Ball with a digital camera. Of course the difficulty here is taking the photograph as you cannot physically take it yourself, and you cannot have another person in the room with you unless you have reached the stage where you can create a Psi Ball at will. If however you can create a method of automatically taking photographs of your cupped hands, there is a very good chance you will be able to take pictures of your Psi Ball. This is because digital photography is capable of photographing Energy at much higher frequencies than the human eye can detect, and capturing it in the form of an image of your Psi Ball.
If you wish you can now “mould” your Psi Ball into different shapes. You can do this with your hands but as the Psi Ball is pure Energy you are actually doing this with your Mind using your hands to reinforce your thoughts.
Once you have finished with your Psi Ball you can simply open your hands completely so they are flat and with the palms upwards, and allow it to naturally dissipate into the Universe. But while you have your ball of Energy why not make positive use of it? You can “program” your Psi Ball with your thought and therefore instructions to carry out some useful purpose such as healing or as we will see in the next chapter, as a psychic shield.
For healing, focus on your Psi Ball, knowing that it has infinite healing power; which it really does have. If you have an ailment that you wish to be healed, still holding the Psi Ball in your cupped hands, place it against the part of your body that needs to be healed and then open your hands and imagine the ball of Energy entering your body and travelling to the area of your body that requires healing. Then imagine the ball of radiant white Energy bathing that healing area in its bright, radiant white light, while knowing, beyond any possible doubt the ball of radiant, white Divine Energy has fully healed you with its infinite healing powers. Take a few moments to feel the warm, soothing healing Energy bathing the area that has been healed, and give sincere thanks to the Universe while feeling the deepest gratitude for your healing.
Conclude by slowly opening your eyes and taking a few moments to adjust to the physical world again.
Finally, and most importantly; give most sincere thanks to the Universe for the powers to do what you have just accomplished, for the assistance received, and above all in appreciation for being a part of All that Is.
Although in an of itself a Psi Ball has no value other than existing as a ball of Energy; the process of controlling Energy has infinite potential for numerous and diverse purposes, and accordingly is very well worth learning.
Practice and learn Telekinesis using the best device: the Egely Wheel