03 Feb How to Create a Daily Routine for a Productive Life
An ideal daily routine is one that is tailored to your needs and can transform your focus and productivity. It allows you to achieve more, think more clearly and avoid unnecessary stress and distraction. When you set up a routine for your children, for example, it is about bringing a sense of stability, regularity and grounding to their lives. It should be no different for you.
The ancient traditions of Ayurveda also emphasise the importance of daily rituals to maintain a healthy balance of doshas and live in harmony with nature.
In this article, we provide guidance on how to create a well-planned daily routine to support your physical, mental and emotional well-being, and then enhance it with the Egely Wheel and EWR application.

A Sustainable Daily Routine
While some practices can be integrated seamlessly and quickly into your day, others require more effort and commitment. If you’re new to creating a daily routine, it’s important not to overwhelm yourself with too many changes at once, as over-commitment can create more stress than it eases. A good strategy is to start with just 3 to 5 significant changes. To make it easier, we’ve put together some examples that are healthy and can help.
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Wake Up Regularly at the Same Time
Get up early, before the sun rises. This is what Ayurveda – and successful business people – recommend for a healthier and more productive day. It’ll be hard at first, but if your alarm clock is out of reach, you’ll have to get up to turn it off.
Dr George Egely also says that following this natural and ancient rhythm fits with the habits that have been built into our bodies over the centuries and brings harmony to our lives.
In the early morning, it’s as if the whole atmosphere is filled with calm, peace, and compassion. This makes it the perfect time for some self-care and self-evaluation, instead of going straight to social media.
It’s important to note that the Egely Wheel rotates at a slow speed in the early morning, right after you wake up.
Start your Day on a Positive Note
Make time to create, whether it’s making a tasty breakfast, meditating, making your bed, doing concentration exercises, reading, journaling, or just exercising. It’s all about you to start the day off on the right foot.
Since the Egely Wheel spins at a low speed right away when you wake up, now’s the perfect time to make it part of your morning routine. If you like to start your day with meditation or breathing exercises, the Egely Wheel can help. Focus your attention on its spinning motion, which improves your ability to concentrate, and you’ll be ready for a productive day.
You can also use the Egely Wheel in the morning to measure how practices such as meditation positively affect your life energy, setting the tone for a balanced day. You can see the results you’re after in the EWR app, with daily, weekly or monthly views. That should motivate you to make it a regular thing.
Plan Ahead for the Day
A well-planned day helps you stay on top of your priorities and keeps stress levels low, as opposed to the unpredictability of a day without structure. Whether you plan early in the morning or the night before, decide what the most important tasks and activities are for the day.
When you use the EWR app, you can look back at your energy levels so you can better plan your days for the most productive times when you are best able to complete your tasks. Early birds are most efficient before lunch, while night owls tend to be most creative and efficient in the evening.
Of course, nothing is set in stone and the unexpected can happen, so if your daily routine doesn’t work out perfectly, just change it until you find the ideal schedule.

Eat a Regular, Balanced Diet
If you eat a balanced diet, you can be sure your body gets the nutrients it needs. If you eat regular meals, your metabolism and digestion will remain stable and your blood sugar levels won’t rise and fall too much.
Make sure you start your day with a nutritious breakfast that includes protein, slow-release carbs and vitamins. And don’t forget about lunch and dinner, either. The Egely Wheel is a great tool to help you keep track of how your diet affects your energy levels.
In the context of vitality, eating meat doesn’t necessarily make us less energetic, but when we digest meat, especially fatty meat, our bodies use more energy, which can make us feel temporarily tired. Conversely, plant foods are easier to digest and full of nutrients, but if they’re grown in soil with high levels of lead, for example, they can be bad for our health and vitality, says Dr George Egely. So it’s always best to buy fruit and vegetables from clean, reliable sources.
Keep Yourself Hydrated
You could start your day with a glass of lemon water—it’s a healthy, refreshing habit that’s also good for your body. But be careful—if you’re drinking lemon water all the time, it might actually damage your tooth enamel due to the citric acid in lemons. So, if you’re concerned about protecting your teeth, it’s better to drink your lemon water through a straw. On the other hand, Ayurveda says to add a warm glass of water to your daily morning ritual. It’ll clean out your digestive system, give your tissues a nice little hydration, and get your bowels going after a long night’s rest.
Keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day should be an important part of your routine. Not drinking enough water can make you feel bad and make it hard to concentrate. It’s good to get into the habit of always keeping water with you and sipping regularly. At the same time, try to avoid caffeine in the afternoons and evenings, as it can interfere with your sleep quality.
Take some time to relax
You also need to learn that productivity does not mean working all day. Taking regular breaks is just as important. Find a healthy activity that relaxes you and make time for it every day as part of your daily routine. There are many ways to relax and recharge your batteries, such as yoga and Qigong, and Silva’s mind control has the same effect but without the movement. The great thing is that you can master them anywhere in the world.

The meditative state of mind is the state where our body functions best, where our problems do not bother us. This is when we generate the most energy, and it shows up well on the Egely Wheel readings.
Research has shown that mixing mental and breathing techniques is the fastest way to return to a stress-free state and recharge in just a few minutes. This is when your brain waves are between 8-13 Hz and you’re in the alpha state, on the border between wakefulness and sleep. It’s worth using the EWR app to track how your stress levels drop after taking a break as part of your daily routine. Experience shows that you are likely to see the highest vitality levels in the late morning or early afternoon.
Get Moving during the Day
If your job is sedentary, it’s a good idea to get up from time to time to move your legs. Then, when you get home from work, make sure you do an afternoon workout. A good workout is another form of relaxation and breathing that can also improve your wellbeing. The ideal exercise is swimming or moderate exercise, jogging or tennis, as long as you do it in fresh, clean air, says Dr George Egely.
Start measuring today
The Egely Wheel is trusted by thousands of people who practice yoga, telekinesis, meditation and healing. This device is the best solution for measuring your energy flow and efficiency of healing, and you get instant feedback.
You may not realise that exercise is not always good for you. This is where the Egely Wheel comes in handy, as it allows you to measure the point at which exercise recharges you and the point at which you become exhausted, drained or dangerously low in vitality. Remember: Keeping your back upright in all situations is good for better oxygen flow and increased vitality, so avoid slouching!
An evening Egely Wheel measurement in your daily routine will show you how you performed during the day: high, average or low vitality. If you’ve recorded everything you did that day in the EWR app, you can also review past days.
Go to Bed at the Same Time Every Night
The daily ritual of ending the day is as important as beginning it, preparing your mind and body for renewal. Try to avoid screens for at least 30 minutes before bed. The quality of your sleep depends not only on how long you sleep, but also on when you go to bed. Dr Egely says the ideal time is between 9pm and 10pm, or at sunset in summer. With a natural sleep rhythm, you get a more restorative sleep than if you sleep into the day.
If you have trouble falling asleep, try the following Ayurvedic recipe and drink a cup of warm milk spiced with nutmeg, cardamom and turmeric. The speed at which the Egely Wheel rotates always reflects how you feel at any given moment. When you’re feeling really tired, either in the morning after you wake up or just before you go to bed, the speed is low and your vitality level is low.
A Successful Daily Routine
If you want to have a successful daily routine, you’ve got to be dedicated and persistent. Find a healthy balance between work and personal life, and engage in activities that help you grow and feel fulfilled. Creating an effective daily routine is a constant effort that requires attention to balance, flexibility, and personal growth. The Egely Wheel and the EWR app can be valuable tools on this journey.
Don’t be afraid to experiment and adapt to the changing circumstances in your life, and always keep your long-term goals in mind. If there’s something you need to do, or something you know is worth doing, but you’re having trouble getting started, follow this simple advice. Say out loud: “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.” When the number 1 hits, it’s time to take action. No time for second-guessing or procrastination – just do it!
5 Sources +
Egely Wheel has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.
- Is Starting Your Day With Lemon Water Healthy? – https://health.clevelandclinic.org/
- Why drinking warm water is so important in Ayurveda – https://www.european-ayurveda.at/
- 50 Healthy Habits To Make Your Life Easier – https://ca.myprotein.com/
- Deep breathing exercise at work: Potential applications and impact – https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
- Alpha Waves and Sleep – https://www.sleepfoundation.org/