14 Jun Getting Started with Energy Healing
Every year, more and a more people talk about the ways that energy healing can profoundly enhance their lives. For believers, finding the right healer can unlock an inner-peace they never knew existed. Yet, a quick search online for healers in your area can yield a long list of practitioners who use a number of different energy healing styles, many of which sound like mumbo-jumbo.
The truth is that not every form of Energy Healing is created equal, even if they all sound generally the same. Though much of the underlying theories beneath the various types of energy healing can be similar, picking the right one for you can mean the difference between unlocking blockages in your energy system and wasting your money on a person who is just waving their hands around.
The goal of this guide is to give you a brief overview of a few of the most popular styles of Energy Healing, their origins, their belief systems, and some pros and cons of each.
The main thing most forms of Energy Healing have in common is a belief that our body has an vital energy system which can have a profound effect on our physical body. Energy Healing has the goal of encouraging the healthy flow of energy throughout all planes of our existence.
One important thing to always consider is that Energy Healing should never be used as a replacement for proper medical treatment, but a supplement.

What is it?
If there is any form of Energy Healing that has come closest to reaching mainstream acceptance, it’s Reiki. Much of its success comes from its simplicity. Reiki is based upon the belief that our bodies are flowing with a powerful energy force called ki. If the flow of this energy is disrupted, it can have negative effects on our health. In reiki, the healer simply channels more positive energy into the body, until these energy blockages are loosened up and carried “downstream”.
How did it start?

Reiki is said to be a traditional practice in Japan that has been around for hundreds of years, but the father of modern reiki is Mikao Usui, who went on to start his own healing institute. Students of his method Usui Reiki Ryoho, have brought his teachings over the entire world.
- Reiki is very easy to learn. At the most basic level, one can learn it over a weekend. Thus, is can also be one of the least expensive forms of energy healing.
- The healer does not need to make physical contact with the patient, so it can be an excellent choice for people who are shy or do not want to be touched.
- It is a flow of positive energy moving one direction, so there is little chance of an exchange of negative energy.
- Most people regard it to be a very relaxing and soothing experience. Though there is little evidence that it can heal serious medical conditions, it has been recognized by groups such as Cancer Research UK to reduce anxiety and help people cope with some of the negative symptoms of chronic disease.
- There is little scientific evidence to show that reiki can heal disease.
- It may give some people a false sense of hope that may discourage them from seeking the help of a medical practitioner in case of serious illness.
Learn more about Reiki Healing.
What is it?
Qigong is a holistic lifestyle practice that utilizes exercise, meditation, diet, and energy healing to cultivate qi energy. As it focuses on overall health, it is a multi-faceted discipline with the energy healing aspect only a making up a small part. Like the other forms of energy healing, it aims to encourage the free flow of life energy throughout the body. Healers can help their patients with a variety of methods including massage, acupuncture, acupressure, in addition to no-touch energy healing.
How did it start?

Some believe that Qigong has been practised for hundreds of years, but the modern progenitor is often listed as Liu Guizhen. In the 1950s, his work began to be accepted more and more by Chinese society, until he was imprisoned during the Cultural Revolution. The government has loosened its stance on Qigong and continues to be popular inside and out of the country.
- Because it focuses on all aspects of health, qigong, when practised fully, can have proven scientific benefits such as stress reduction, pain relief, and improvement in quality of life.
- Due to the variety of different ways qigong energy healers work with their patients, trained healers may be better able to select the most effective method for you.
- Qigong is a whole belief system with a strong basis in philosophy, therefore it is not always an “entry-level” type of energy healing,
- To be truly effective, healers need to maintain regular management of their energy levels and training. It is not always easy to know who which energy healers are dedicated enough to their practice to keep their skills sharp.
Learn more about Qigong.
Pranic Healing
What is it?
Pranic healing is a powerful no-touch Energy Healing method that is popular worldwide. A typical session involved three main steps: 1) a body scan, 2) clearing of blockages and negative energy, 3) replacement of the negative energy with healthy prana. It can be very effective for some, especially when combined with Arhatic Yoga.
How did it start?

Pranic healing was developed by Choa Kok Sui, a Filipino entrepreneur and engineer who streamlined his interest in meditation and energy healing into the most effective version he could. He then spent over 20 years further perfecting and teaching his methods around the world.
- Pranic healing uses a “cookbook approach” to energy healing, meaning there are different approaches to different ailments, instead of one single method.
- It is a holistic practice that focuses on all aspects of health.
- Some scientists have been applying pranic healing techniques to agriculture with some success.
- Because Pranic healing involves a transfer of energy, it is possible for one to absorb negative energy.
- Working with an officially certified healer can be more expensive than other forms not connected to a large organization like Pranic Healing.
Learn more about Pranic Healing.
Quantum Healing
What is it?
Quantum Healing is a holistic form of alternative medicine that is strongly rooted in meditation and Energy Healing. It is based upon an offshoot of quantum physics that believes that our physical bodies are illusions, and perception can have a profound effect on our reality. The belief system is wide ranging and touches on countless topics, but for those seeking simply Energy Healing, it utilizes a method called Quantum Touch which is similar to Reiki.
How did it start?

Quantum Healing was developed by celebrity guru and doctor Deepak Chopra. His first of over 80 books, Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine was released in 1985 and his wellness empire has steadily grown since, boosted by his appearances on Oprah Winfrey.
- Because of its focus on general wellness, even non-believers can find benefit from the practices associated with quantum healing.
- The approach is very individualized, which can greatly help its effectiveness.
- Quantum healing is hugely popular, so there is no shortage of information about its practices, positive testimonials, and access to healers.
- The scientific basis of this energy healing method has been often criticized by doctors and physicists alike.
- Some of the herbal remedies and other treatments may cause harm to some patients.
Learn more about Quantum Healing.
Theta Healing
What is it?
Theta Healing is a copyrighted form of Energy Healing which uses the power of our positive thoughts to treat our ailments. It is based upon two belief systems. The first is that reality is not fixed until we observe it, so if we can alter our perceptions of the world, we can create our own reality. The other is that the brain can be trained to produce power theta waves of a certain frequency, which can then connect a person to their crown chakra.
How did it start?

Theta Healing was developed by Vianna Stibal, who claims that was able to cure her own cancer using theta waves. She has built a very successful wellness organization based on her philosophies and theories.
- Practitioners say that anybody can use these abilities, even to heal themselves.
- It is claimed to be instantaneous.
- Since there are many aspects to theta healing, it is often viewed as being more akin to psychotherapy than pure energy healing.
- Vianna Stibal and her organization has faced legal troubles over the years, questioning the credibility of her claims and company.
- Depending on the healer, theta healing can be expensive.
Learn more about Theta Healing.
Crystal Healing
What is it?
Crystal Healing is the use of the vibrational energy of certain crystallized minerals to help treat various ailments. It is thought that some crystals have a stronger effect on our different chakras, so one must choose the right type of rock, depending on what problems one is suffering from. It is believed that crystals may have the ability to store ones thoughts, so they will be influenced by the emotional energy one puts into them.
How did it start?

Some claim that crystals have been used for energy healing for thousands of years across multiple cultures. Many of the theories behind modern crystal healing were developed by Marcel Vogel, a scientist and IBM researcher who conducted a large series of experiments, trying to figure out the most effective types of crystals and shapes.
- Crystal healing can be both active, through the use of trained crystal healers, or passive, by merely keeping the crystals around your neck or under your pillow as you sleep.
- Even if you find the crystals to be ineffective for energy healing, many of the rocks used are beautiful.
- Some stones used for crystal healing can be very expensive, and without deeper knowledge in geology, it can often be hard to ensure that you are in fact buying what is advertised.
- It is important to choose the correct crystals for each person and situation. Also, crystals need to be cleansed and charged, so even passive crystal healing involves a bit of work, attention, and study.
Learn more about Crystal Healing.
The Final Word
Hopefully, this guide has been enough to demystify a bit of the fascinating world of Energy Healing. It is not meant to be the end-all-be-all on the subject. If you have further interest, every topic here is more deeply explored on this website.
Just remember that even within each type of Energy Healing, there are good and bad healers. You may need to have consultations with a couple before you find one that works for you. Also, many energy therapists use a mixture of the styles listed above (and others not covered here). Energy Healing is not for everyone, but for those who trust its powers, it can have a profound possible effect on your life.
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