From Psi Ball to the Egely Wheel: the Fast Track to Energy Manipulation

A realistic human palm with a glowing psi ball of energy in the center, symbolizing focus and energy manipulation.

From Psi Ball to the Egely Wheel: the Fast Track to Energy Manipulation

Reading time: 7 minutes

Welcome to this special journey where we will introduce you to the ancient art of manipulating the invisible, psychic energies and explore a modern tool that can accelerate this process: the Egely Wheel. This article aims to inspire you to understand the basics, discover and refine your own psychic abilities, with a special focus on creating a psi ball. Additionally, it offers a unique method for measuring and developing your life energy level.

Psychic abilities are the remarkable aspects of human consciousness that bridge the visible and the invisible worlds, inviting us to explore the profound connection between the mind and the energy of life. When discussing telepathy, clairvoyance, or telekinesis, we open the door to a subtle energetic universe that transcends beyond physical reality and the limits of ordinary perception.

Connect with Yourself and the Energy Universe

This concept – metaphysics – inspired thinkers such as Kant and Aristotle, who examined the nature of reality, including the relationship between matter and mind, substance and attribute. The term “metaphysics comes from the Greek words μετά (metá, meaning “beyond” or “after“) and φυσικά (physiká, meaning “physics“), and it literally means “beyond the physical. These abilities are not just mystical powers or elements of fantastic literature. Instead, they are natural aspects of the human mind that are often overlooked and underdeveloped. They provide us with the chance to strengthen our connection with both ourselves and the universe.

When accessing the world of invisible energies we fine-tune our consciousness to resonate with the hidden frequencies of the universe. This allows us to perceive and communicate with information that cannot be detected by our traditional senses. Through telepathy we transmit thoughts; through clairvoyance we see into the future or the past; in short, we tune into the subtle energies between the mind and the universe only to discover the intricately woven web of hidden threads that connect us all into a larger, more complex web.

James Norbury portrait
James Norbury
Self-taught artist / writer
(1973 – )
‘Big Panda’, asked Tiny Dragon, ‘What is the universe?’ ‘I like to think it’s our friend', said Big Panda. ‘If we allow it to be.’

Speaking of these hidden threads, understanding them leads to the deepening of our inner wisdom and intuition. This network represents not only the invisible connections between people but also the interconnectedness of all life forms throughout the entire universe. These abilities remind us that we are not isolated; we are part of a greater whole, in which every energy and thought has its place and significance.

How to Gather Psychic Energy and Create with the Power of the Mind

Gathering psychic energy is a personal and intuitive process that relies on inner focus and awareness of the energies around us. To create a psi ball, take a deep breath, open your mind, and imagine the energy of the universe flowing into your body. Focus the energy between your palms to create a perceptible sphere. Developing psychic abilities and increasing awareness are some benefits of using the psi ball. Meditating with it offers the opportunity to better align with your inner energy and discover the depths of mental stillness. This practice also allows for self-exploration, aiding in the understanding of your feelings, thoughts, and energetic patterns that define your being.

The signs you may experience when sensing the gathering of energy can be summarized as follows:

  • Egely Wheel Feedback – Just as your intelligence and emotional intelligence is quantified by IQ and EQ, your life energy can be assigned a value using VQ (vitality quotient). Above 18 VQ you have an outstandingly high energy level; indeed, above 24 you are an exceptional talent.
  • Body Sensations – Tingling, warmth, or other physical perceptions in the body, especially in the hands, feet, along the spine, or in the areas of the chakras.
  • Emotional Changes – Increased emotional sensitivity or emotional clearing, enhanced feelings of peace, love, or joy.
  • Mental Clarity – Clear thinking, relief from mental confusions or stress, improved concentration ability.
  • Energy Perception – Direct sensing of the flow, movement, or “density” of life energy, possibly feeling as if the energy appears in forms of “spheres” or “waves.”
  • Spirituality – A deeper sense of spiritual connection or understanding, increased sensitivity to the subtler vibrations or the energetic state of the environment.
  • Intuition – Strengthening of intuition that means it becomes easier to perceive inner guidance or “inner knowing,” improvement in decision-making ability.
  • Dreams – More intense, visionary, or meaningful dreams that may carry information or messages.

These signs can help you recognize and appreciate the changes experienced during energetic work or psychic development, thus aiding in better understanding and directing your own psychic and energetic practices.

The Egely Wheel: A Way to Accelerate the Psi Ball Practice

The Egely Wheel is a revolutionary device capable of measuring a person’s current life energy level, and can be an excellent addition to your psi ball practice. It provides concrete feedback on how well you can concentrate and manipulate energies. You will be able to see how your thoughts, emotions, and intentions are affecting your energy levels, allowing you to practice and hone your Psi ball creation skills.

What is Egely Wheel? Find out here.

Practical Steps for Using the Egely Wheel to Create the Psi Ball

Relaxation and Concentration

To begin, calm your mind and focus on deep, calm breathing.Visualize roots extending from the soles of your feet deep into the earth. With each inhale, imagine these roots drawing up a calming, grounding energy into your body, and with each exhale, release any tension or negativity. As you concentrate more while sitting in front of the Egely Wheel, observe how your life energy level changes. If the device indicates that you are moving in the green color range (above 13 VQ which equals a 200 % vitality level), you are on the right track, as this suggests a very high energy level.

Two individuals practicing relaxation and concentration techniques with an Egely Wheel to measure life energy levels during a psychic exercise.
Participants focus on deep breathing and grounding techniques during a session with the Egely Wheel

Gathering Energy

Imagine the energy of the universe flowing into your body and gathering between your palms. Focus your attention on the center of your body, often considered the solar plexus area, just above your navel. Visualize a warm, radiant sphere of light in this region that grows brighter and stronger with each breath. Generate physical warmth and stimulate energy flow by rubbing your hands together briskly. Next, hold your hands a few inches apart, palms facing each other, as if you are holding a ball. With the assistance of the Egely Wheel, you can observe how your energy level increases as you focus more on forming the psi ball.

Forming the Psi Ball

Once you feel that you have gathered enough energy, start forming the psi ball. Close your eyes and visualize a stream of light or energy flowing from your center to your hands, creating a ball of energy between them. Imagine this energy ball’s color, texture, and temperature. Is it warm? Cool? Tingling? Focus on these sensations and experiment with the energy ball. Try moving your hands closer together and further apart to feel the resistance and elasticity of the energy. Visualize the energy ball changing in size, color, and intensity as you focus your intention on it. The reactions of the Egely Wheel can help you learn how to more effectively direct your energies.

A focused man with a bald head creating a psi ball of energy between his hands, standing against a pure white background.
Concentration culminates in creation: a man visualizes and forms a psi ball, exploring the tactile sensations of his inner energy against a stark white backdrop.

Regular Practice and Observation

Decide what you want to do with this energy ball. You can direct the energy ball to a specific part of your body that requires healing or release it into the environment with a particular intention. Visualize your objective as you gently push the energy ball away from your hands, sending it where it is needed. Once you’ve sent the energy ball on its way, bring your focus back to your body. After sending the energy ball, refocus on your body and take a few deep breaths. Ground yourself by visualizing excess energy flowing back into the earth through your roots. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and stretch your body. Regular use of the Egely Wheel can enhance your understanding of how manipulating your energies works and how you can develop your psychic abilities.

Your Indispensable Assistant

Start practicing with the Egely Wheel today to build confidence and courage for your spiritual goals.

Learn more about it here!

Practicing Psi Ball: The Promise of a Spiritual Journey

Remember, you have the ability to get in touch with your own inner energies and develop your hidden abilities; you just need to find your own path. Be encouraged to explore the wonderful world of psychic abilities where Psi Ball practice and, what is more important, the Egely Wheel can be great starting points. This unique life energy meter can accelerate the learning process and deepen understanding and connection with yourself and the surrounding energies. If you start your journey today, you’ll get a chance to open up to the infinite possibilities of the universe. Patience is key as the road unfolds gradually. The journey itself can be the greatest reward.

3 Sources +

Egely Wheel has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.

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