19 May Does Crystal Healing Work?
Before we delve into that question, we need to first know what crystal healing is? Essentially, crystal healing is a medical practice that uses different crystals to heal certain aspects of our being.
Whether it’s mental, emotional, or psychological, crystals can help heal whatever wounds our life experiences have caused us. Because each crystal has a different makeup, the frequencies of those crystals will help to cure and prevent diseases. But does it really work?
What Does The Science Say?
Amongst the hard sciences, crystal healing is seen as a pseudoscience. What that means is that it doesn’t cure diseases, in the physical sense since they aren’t caused by disrupted energy flows. Instead, what they do is help ease a patient’s suffering and their ideas of pain. Essentially, it helps them mentally and emotionally, rather than physically.
See How to Measure Crystal Energy with a simple device.
However, many doctors do allow a limited tolerance of crystal healing because it induces relaxation and can help relieve stress, through the meditative practices that are involved.

Where Did Crystal Healing Come From?
You can find crystal healing in nearly all ancient cultures, but it is mostly associated with the Ancient and Traditional Chinese and Asian medical practices. Crystal healing uses the vortices of energy in your charkas or balances your chi /qi, your life energy, so that you can prevent diseases, better your mentality and your emotional balance.
According to crystal healers, different crystals affect different parts of your body, for example according to some crystal healers, amethysts help to relieve headaches, while rubies help with blood and heart problems, as well as stimulates passion.
How Does It Work?
Many professional crystal healers not only use crystals in meditation, but it can also be used in massage therapy, so they’ll be placed on your body, or used as part of the massage techniques that your healers will employ. However, if you want to practice crystal meditation at home, all you have to do is place the crystal in front of you, about 10-15cm away from your hands, and you’re ready to start meditating.
Remember it is always best to meditate in a quiet room, or if you’d like, play some quiet meditative music, along with sounds of nature and you’re good to go. You only need a few minutes to practice and once you’re done, you’ll be able to tackle harder practices like telekinesis, or using psi ball.

Start measuring today
The Egely Wheel is trusted by thousands of people who practice yoga, telekinesis, meditation and healing. This device is the best solution for measuring your energy flow and efficiency of healing, and you get instant feedback.
Give It a Try
Before you write off crystal healing, give it a try. Not all treatments work for everyone, and sometimes you’ll have to experiment with timing, the type of crystals or techniques, like using crystals in massage therapy or as part of your meditation practice, to see which one is right for you.

In any case, remember that when practicing, concentrate on the area you need help with, and use the right crystals that will help in those areas. Don’t just choose any random crystal you think will work. Each have their own energy signatures and will only work in certain areas of the body. So make sure you do your research before you start practising.