Can You Use an Egely Wheel for Kundalini Yoga? Benefits & Tips

A small group of eight people practicing Kundalini Yoga in a modern studio with a geometric glass ceiling, all facing a central instructor.

Can You Use an Egely Wheel for Kundalini Yoga? Benefits & Tips

Reading time: 9 minutes

Kundalini Yoga gives you the tools you need to cope with the daily grind and build resilience. The Egely Wheel uses advanced technology to detect even the slightest changes in your vitality. When you combine the two, you have the chance to improve your life – your physical wellbeing, your mental clarity and your awareness. High vitality and Kundalini awakening is not an end in itself. It’s a means to a fuller, healthier, more vibrant life.

Curious about how the Egely Wheel can enhance your Kundalini Yoga experience? Let’s explore!

A Brief Introduction to the Egely Wheel

The Egely Wheel is a device that measures your bioenergy, also known as vitality. Its mechanism is simple: A pivot mounted on the wheel rotates freely as it interacts with your body’s energy. This type of life energy has been recognised in different cultures for centuries. In India it’s called prana, while in China it’s called qi.

What is Egely Wheel? Find out here.

You are made of energy, as is everything else in the universe. Everything you think, feel and experience physically is a direct result of this life force flowing through you. We all have a certain amount of vital energy in our bodies and this is what powers the Egely Wheel and makes it turn. This energy flows particularly well in areas with many acupuncture points.

Dr George Egely, a physicist, came up with the Egely Wheel because he was looking for a way to measure this mysterious energy. He said, “You have to be prepared to put in the time and effort to get even the smallest results,” and that’s how the Egely Wheel was born in 1994.

Start measuring today

The Egely Wheel is trusted by thousands of people who practice yoga, telekinesis, meditation and healing. This device is the best solution for measuring your energy flow and efficiency of healing, and you get instant feedback.

How Does the Egely Wheel Relate to Kundalini Yoga?

Energy Centers (Chakras) and Energy Flow

In Kundalini Yoga, the idea is to get your energy centers, which are called chakras, working as they should be. The chakras are basically key points along the spine where energy gathers and flows. This is where the Egely Wheel can be really useful. The device can give you feedback on how active your energy is during yoga practice.

Boat Ride with Yogi Bhajan in December, 1985
Yogi Bhajan
Yoga Guru & and Spiritual Teacher
(1929 – 2004)
Your mind is your servant, your body is your vehicle and your soul is your residence.

As you work on activating your chakras, the Egely Wheel measures your bioenergy levels, so you can see how your energy is responding in a tangible way. For instance, after a deep meditation session or a series of kriyas, you might notice the Egely Wheel spinning faster, which shows increased energy flow. This feedback helps you track your progress and better understand how well you are activating your energy centers.

Life Energy Science

Combining the Egely Wheel with Kundalini Yoga gives you two science-based approaches to understanding and enhancing your life energy. You’ll gain a deeper knowledge of how to achieve both personal wellbeing and a deeper level of consciousness.

Kundalini Yoga is based on a structured, science-based methodology that not only improves your physical and mental health but also unlocks deeper levels of consciousness. The kriyas (including asanas, mantras, pranayama, bandhas, mudras and meditation) are designed to target specific areas of the body and energy centers (chakras). Each Kriya is designed to stimulate and balance the flow of energy with the aim of awakening the Kundalini energy.

Similarly, the Egely Wheel is a scientific invention designed to measure the same life energy that is emitted from the body. Adding it to your wellness toolkit will help you monitor your vitality and energy flow so you can see how well your lifestyle and practices are supporting your overall health and kundalini energy.

Benefits of Using the Egely Wheel during Kundalini Yoga

Conscious Energy Focusing

The main goal of Kundalini Yoga is to help you become more aware of the flow of energy within your body. Try the Egely Wheel for instant feedback on how well you’re focusing and activating your energy during your practice. One of the most important things to learn when using the Egely Wheel is how to identify the state of mind that allows you to reach your maximum RPM (rotations per minute). This is the ideal state to be in: somewhere between complete relaxation and excessive concentration. When you’re in this balanced state, your mind is calm and free from distractions, which gives you the best chance of generating the most energy. The Egely Wheel shows this by spinning faster.


Sticking to a regular Kundalini Yoga practice can be challenging, especially if you’re on your own. One of the best ways to stay focused and motivated is to find a supportive community. We tend to perform better in groups with common goals. The energy of the group can get you through tough times, and practising with others makes the experience even more enjoyable and powerful. Thanks to modern technology, you can connect with like-minded people from all over the world. By joining the Egely Wheel community, you become part of a global network of over 25,000 people who are using this unique tool to explore and unlock their full potential. Every time you turn the wheel, you’re connecting with a global community of people on a similar journey of discovery and growth.

A small group of eight people practicing Kundalini Yoga in a modern studio with a geometric glass ceiling, all facing a central instructor.
Kundalini Yoga enhances personal energy and awareness through the synergy of group practice, fostering deeper connections and a heightened collective energy.

Objective Feedback

People who have managed to awaken their Kundalini energy often say that they feel a distinct sensation, similar to an electric current running through the spine. This feeling is a great indicator that the energy is being activated, but it can be difficult to measure or track over time. This is where the Egely Wheel comes in handy. Your body may give you an electric-like sensation when your Kundalini energy is awakening, but the Egely Wheel allows you to objectively measure your bioenergy levels. The Egely Wheel shows you visually through the VQ how much energy you’re generating, so you can see if your practice is effectively channeling your life force. If you feel energised, the Egely Wheel will spin faster, which is a good sign that you’re on the right track.

Monitoring Progress

Consider keeping a record of changes in your life energy levels so that you can clearly see patterns of improvement as well as any fluctuations in your bio-energy. You need to experience and measure how your habits, Kundalini practices and lifestyle choices affect your energy flow and where adjustments may be needed to improve your results.The Egely Wheel can be used to see how your energy levels steadily increase or occasionally decrease, for example after connecting with a spirit plant, using a particular crystal or participating in a cacao ceremony. You can use this knowledge to fine-tune your practices and lifestyle to progress on your spiritual journey.

Tips for Using the Egely Wheel Effectively in Kundalini Yoga


It’s obvious that how fast the wheel turns depends on how fit we are, our ability to concentrate and our current state of mind. So when you wake up in the morning, or if you’re really tired before going to bed, the revolutions per minute are low, and so is the vitality quotient.

You’ll get the best results in the morning or early afternoon. The value we measure is called VQ, or Vitality Quotient. It’s a relative value that shows how your current bioenergy level compares to the average.

The study involved over a thousand people and found that the average is around 6 rpm, which is considered the average person’s vitality level. Someone with a VQ level of 100% is at optimal vitality. It’s best not to measure too often or for too long (2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes is enough) as this can lead to exhaustion.

Focus and Concentration

It’s important to be clear-headed when practising with the Egely Wheel. If you have too many thoughts running through your head, or something on your mind that you just can’t shake off, it will affect your ability to concentrate on the Kundalini Yoga practice and the Egely Wheel.

Similarly, when you’re feeling emotional, it can be difficult to keep your inner energies under control. Your emotions are like the ocean, creating a tidal wave of energy within you, breaking at the edges of your being. To use your Egely Wheel effectively, you need to balance your mental and emotional state so that you can direct this energy through your hands.

Amplifying Energy with Hypnosis

Hypnosis has been shown to increase and trigger energy flow, making it a great addition to experiment with. The American Psychological Association says that hypnosis is a state in which your attention is more focused, you’re less aware of what’s going on around you, and you’re more open to suggestion. It basically induces a state of trance.

This hypnotic state can increase brain activity, which could affect how energy is processed and experienced during Kundalini practices. Hypnosis techniques could make the Egely Wheel more effective by helping you to become more aware of your energy.

The Effect of the Brain Hemispheres

The Egely Wheel is also a great way to check how active and balanced your brain hemispheres are. Research shows that people who are quicker with their right hand tend to have a more active left brain (associated with analytical thinking), while those who are quicker with their left hand have a more active right brain (associated with intuitive abilities).

Successful people often have both hemispheres working together, creating a lot of energy as measured by the Egely Wheel. Having a good balance of analytical and intuitive thinking helps you succeed in life and shows that you have high vibrational energy, as indicated by higher VQ (Vitality Quotient) readings on the wheel, often above 200%.

Table displaying the Vitality Quotient (VQ) measurements from the Egely Wheel, with categories ranging from 'Very low' to 'Exceptional talent' and associated RPMs, VQ values, LED colors, and results.
The Egely Wheel assesses vitality and brain balance, suggesting that practices like Kundalini Yoga can boost both, as reflected in higher VQ readings.

You can work towards achieving this balance by practising Kundalini Yoga and using the Egely Wheel together, which will help you to live a more vibrant and successful life.

Regular Practice

Keeping an eye on your energy levels will give you a good idea of how you’re doing overall. If your reading is below 100% VQ for 1-2 weeks, it’s a sign that you need to take care of yourself, change your habits and work on getting your energy up to a healthy, sustainable level.

There are lots of ways to give your energy levels a boost. You can mix and match different techniques to suit you. For example, you could try getting a good night’s sleep, meditation, regular exercise, vitamin supplements, a balanced diet, listening to your favorite music, creative rest, aromatherapy, light therapy, color therapy, and so on. The possibilities are endless – just think of the new sexual wellness trend.

The Egely Wheel feedback can help you get the most out of your Kundalini Yoga practice to boost your vitality and awareness. As your energy levels improve, you’ll find you’re more resilient, healthier and even more competitive in your daily life.

Final Thoughts

If you’re interested in trying out the Egely Wheel in your Kundalini Yoga practice, you can connect more deeply with your own energies and track your spiritual development in a more scientific, measurable way. This combination of the subjective experience of Kundalini energy and the objective feedback of the Egely Wheel gives you a more complete picture of your progress so that you can make better, more informed decisions.

But don’t try to rush the process if you don’t see results immediately. Everything happens according to universal law, and when you’re ready, your time will come. Kundalini energy isn’t something you can force to rise.

Yogi Bhajan often warned his students that playing with Kundalini energy without prior knowledge and expert guidance is like playing with nuclear energy. It’s really important to get the guidance you need before you start! Finding and maintaining the ideal state of mind is a fine line to walk, but if you get it right, it can really enhance your lifestyle and help you achieve your spiritual goals.

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