Aura Energy: A Brief History to Understand the Concept
Auras are fields of energy that are thought to surround living things. There are numerous models and theories as to the nature of this field. Learn more...
Auras are fields of energy that are thought to surround living things. There are numerous models and theories as to the nature of this field. Learn more...
Telekinesis is the mystical ability to control the physical world using our thoughts. The most common application is moving objects. Learn more...
Pyrokinesis is the mystical ability to spontaneously create or manipulate existing fire using only the power of one’s thought. Learn more...
Hydrokinesis is the mystical ability to control all forms of water using only the power of thought. This includes being able to change water’s state. Learn more...
Electrokinesis is the mystical ability to use thought to produce or control electrical charges by manipulating the charged particles of the atom. Learn more...
Cryokinesis is the mystical ability to slow down the movement of atoms to the point that objects become frozen or their temperature becomes lowered. Learn more...
Aerokinesis, or airbending, is the psychokinetic ability to control the movement of air using the power of thought, often the result of intense concentration. Learn more...
Vitality is a word that refers to one’s life force or energy level, depending on the context. In new age thought, it has direct effects on our health. Learn more...
Tachyon energy is a new age concept based upon a theorized subatomic particle that can travel faster than the speed of light. Learn more...
Subtle energy is a blanket term for a variety of related concepts. Essentially, it’s energy that exists outside of the frameworks of modern physics. Learn more...